dear heartsafire - welcome what a brilliant first post!
Doest it feel great to finally acknowledge those doubts, listen to them and research your way out of the 'guilt laden fog' of WT teachings!
I am new here too, just 6 months since I finally acknowledged my doubts and was brave enough to look at 'Apostate' websites - has been great for me, it confirmed my own suspicions but opened me up to a lot more inconsistencies too. Also Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom are MUST reads. You will get great advice on here and I agree its so freeing to laugh at the irreverent posts about the GB etc, when we've been so careful for so long about what we should and shouldn't say.
I have a zealous husband too, but thankfully, we are both converts so our parents and extended family are not JWs. I started telling him my doubts by asking him sincere questions about the child abuse cover ups, why only witnesses will survive (1 in 1000) , family shunning, bad treatment of others by 'appointed' ones etc.. etc.. - as I researched I told him more and more (UN, Malawi, false prophecies) and the walls came up, he got very angry/upset and said he can't hear anything more negative about the society. He arranged a shepherding call for me with the C.O. and I managed to come across as sincere and doubting. I've faded fast, now not attending (maybe once a month only) on the positive side, my husband really doesnt want me to get df'd and is committed to protecting me from that. We've had issues over our kids mainly but thats a whole other story.
I feel for those so much who are 2nd generation or more - that is a whole lot of family and community to lose. You will get good advice on here on fading slowly (depression/anxiety excuse works for missing meetings), using sincere questions to get your husband to think and how to sidestep a grilling from the elders.
even if you can't be totally free because of your family - at least your mind is free
lots of love x