Why is the Faithful Slave Now Admitting Ignorance?

by Vanderhoven7 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    It's just an example of the Borg having it both ways,

    Speaking out of both sides of their mouth(s)


    Just weaseling out of things to thwart off accountability or responsibility.

  • forzaitalia
    Strange question to ask in the first place. "Let's wait and see" is my usual thought when I read about what is going to happen, in what order. A Watchtower study article pointed out that the annointed do not have access to more holy spirit than the other sheep so why accept everything printed by the Society?
  • Rattigan350

    "The WT had a long period in which they felt it necessary to comment on all sorts of obscure topics."

    Well they still do. The book study it was said that Jehovah is offended if we watch violent movies and TV programs. That is so petty to group everything and everyone's motives into one little statement. And what makes us special to where he pays attention to anything that we do? We are not that important.

  • Vidiot
    Ding - “…The WT had a long period in which they felt it necessary to comment on all sorts of obscure topics…”

    I think there were a few reasons for that…

    …Fred Franz’ position as WT Oracle was one… he was a Genesis literalist, and I think he got into that habit as a way of explaining away Biblical things that academic inquiry called into question, whilst still appearing intellectual and scholarly.

    …additionally, some followers have always been afraid to think for themselves, and would prefer having an authority figure explain everything to them, and the WT leadership fell into the habit because it was easy and gave the appearance of legitimacy…

    …and most importantly, there’s the old authoritarian idea that deep down, people are inherently shitty and stupid, and can’t be trusted to come to the right conclusion on anything without being kept on a short leash and spoon-fed their beliefs.

  • Vidiot

    "We mustn't be dogmatic…

    …unless it’s absolutely necessary…

    …and it usually is.”

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Not dogmatic ever,,at all.

    Until they get caught doing so. Then deny it. And are proven that they are dogmatic.

  • blondie

    The WTS does try to weasel out of whether people who die at Armageddon, could be resurrected:

    "When the oncoming battle of Armageddon strikes in its fury and with its desolations, many devoted Christians will be in their old age or in an infirm condition. Hence it may be that during the progress of that battle with all the conditions which it will produce on and around the earth, many Christian aged, weak in constitution, or with poor hearts, may die from sheer natural causes. When we read the prophetic accounts of that battle, for instance, Psalm 46, telling how the earth will be moved, the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea, the waters roaring and showing great agitation so that even the mountains shake with the swelling thereof, we can see it will be a time that will be hard on the hearts and physical constitutions of even the hardiest of persons. We may have to undergo many privations in common with the people of the world, including food reductions, exposure to the heartless elements, etc., so that it will be a strenuous time, taxing our physical powers. Some, because of physical condition, age, or other circumstances, may prove no more able to endure the hardships of Armageddon than others." W1951 5/15 p. 299 (still thinking today.

    The WTS reasons that only those directly executed by Jesus, the angels, and the anointed in heaven definitely will die forever, but as humans on earth, Jehovah's witnesses will not know who are not in the group, until after Armageddon and the resurrected ones come back. Interesting way to say something that is not in their Bible.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Could be,,perhaps,evidently,apparently, clearly,no doubt.

    Same old thing .

  • Biahi

    The GB should attend a REAL theological seminary, to learn REAL Bible truth, then maybe they can print this in the WT.

  • LongHairGal


    I remember that scary description of Armageddon…There was a sister there who told me she would rather live out her life and die before Armageddon because she did not want to go through it!

    Well, I don’t blame her and I feel the same way.. Anybody who wants to experience the end of the world scenario as described in the Bible is just plain nuts.. Some JWs might say they want the ‘paradise’ so badly they would - but I don’t think they know what they’re asking for.

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