Zoom replaced with KHCONF+ app for meetings?

by joey jojo 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Just heard about KHCONF+ app replacing Zoom for hybrid meetings at kngdom halls. Did a quick search here and didnt find any posts about it. Have I missed something?

    Here is a link: https://www.khconf.com/index.php

    The app privacy statement indicates that the borg will gather a lot more user data than they could with zoom. https://www.khconf.com/privacy-policy.php

    Are KH's adopting this?

    Edited: I was using khconf+ in search. I dropped the + and found some info. :)

  • Diogenesister

    So they'll be selling the publishers data?? Or is it for spying? Both? A way to only allow those they deem elderly or infirm enough to access meetings by only allowing branch to give out links ?

    All of the above?

  • enoughisenough

    this is interesting...( big brother will be watching them ) I wonder if the congregations have to pay for the service. When I used to use the phone to listen to meeting, I had to have a pin number given by congregation...This system will likely have a pin number so I think this would also be the case.

  • Varuaino

    Where I'm from they want to use it but as I understand it you can't just set it up easily like Zoom.

    Gotta receive that unique pin or something like that from the branch as stated by enoughisenough

    It was so dumb they couldn't even configure it because the branch wasn't on the opening hours so they decided to keep Zoom (for now)

  • Mikejw

    It’s still zoom here in South East London. All congregations here use zoom but some elder’s really don’t like it.

    There is a pin to get in but it’s usually got 1914 in there somewhere😭

    there is a controversy over who to let in, some people say they are not feeling well but elders think they are fine. I have heard it that if they say I’m tired I will attend on zoom one elder said we are all tired we all want to stay on zoom 🤣🤣

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    KH conf is harder to use, less reliable. But it does have more control. Zoom may be getting more expensive.

    I worry about spying, no control on camera.

    I can do without fine but have nearly bedfast family who needs the meetings even though sleeping through them. No personal encouragement, even the remaining friend pushes service. That is a well worn subject in other posts

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Wife says that KH Conference doesn’t allow you to comment or otherwise interact.

  • MeanMrMustard

    Usually when cheaper replacement apps come on the scenes, it takes a while for them to go through the iterations and testing needed to deal with poor security. Which is the default normally (get it working first then deal with security).

    My guess it's more hackable, and I would enjoy hearing of highjacked streams playing circus music...

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere


    Proprietary app. Harder to hack; random long password that expires. More control on who and when which suits the borg and local elders.

    Spyware to detect apostates is my hunch as an added feature

  • MeanMrMustard


    Passwords are normally the first step. A password grants some sort of token or cookie. Did they do the proper back-end checks on authorization (after the token authenticates)? Common stuff like that is normally overlooked. The front end app does some auth check and then calls a backend api, but the same auth isn't done on server side. That stuff happens all the time.

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