Well since Phoebe in the Bible is described as a Diakonos which is translated as deacon or ministerial servant watchtower has no leg to stand on, really, and they know it. Paul admonishes the church to recieve her " as befits the saints".
Their obsession with what a woman may "touch"in the KM borders on fetishism - why they cannot carry a microphone or work the sound equipment reminds of the Maori superstition of " tupu " or taboo as it's called in English.
Perhaps they think we might be menstruating LOL! !
In fact the scriptures were Paul is particularly scathing of women are the very ones academics don't believe he wrote such as Timothy. Besides, he is the one that describes a cousin of his, Junia, as an "apostle", and fellow worker in the Lord. The name has never been known in antiquity as anything but female....though some still insist it's male which doesn't make sense to me. The Catholic Church translates her name as Julia. Her further commends 5 or 6 other women, including Pricilla,whom he puts before her husband, as serving himself or the church and doing vital work.
And that's just a 2000 year old book written in a time of extreme sexism. The watchtower is happy to have women do all the labour of recruiting whilst humiliating them where ever they can, IMHO.