How do you switch off the thoughts of being raised JW and feelings of anger

by Zeds Dead 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • GrreatTeacher

    It sounds like you are still feeling Grief, grief over a lost childhood, grief over an unsatisfying parental relationship, grief over a late start in life.

    The premier academic studying Grief was Elisabeth Kubler-Ross who proposed Five Stages of Grief. These were: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.

    Her original theorizing posited a linear movement through these stages until Acceptance was finally reached.

    Now it is thought that we can move through the stages in different orders or even cycle from Acceptance into previous stages and back again multiple times.

    Maybe you can see yourself in one or more of these stages. Sometimes it helps just to put a name to something.

    All this to say that you can feel okay about it one day and then go back to feeling unsettled. And that's actually quite normal. It's a process not an endpoint.

  • jwfacts
    It doesn’t seem possible to totally get over it. This year I have been taking a bit of a break, spending less time online or talking about JW topics, and it does not pop up in my thoughts as much. But I can’t stop the frustration I feel when I hear my young niece got baptised because Covid is proof of Armageddon, or everytime a news arises that I know will have JWs salivating that Armageddon is imminent.
  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    These memories and feelings sometimes play in circles in my head and looking for comments on how others handle this?

    Our feelings are caused by our thoughts and our thoughts are only as important as we allow them them be.

    Like any bad habit, it takes about 6 weeks of concentrated effort to unlearn the habit of dwelling on unwanted thoughts, but it can be done.

    Write your unwanted thoughts down as they occur and write down the conclusion you've drawn about these thoughts. Then write down a positive statement to replace the unwanted thought.


    Negative Thought: "I wasted my whole life as a JW"

    Conclusion: "The past is over and it can't be changed. I don't want to waste anymore of my life over this matter."

    Positive Thought: " I have learned valuable things from my past but I choose live in the present moment and to live my life one day at a time"


    Negative Thought: "I'll never get rid of the anger from being a JW."

    Conclusion: "A lot of things happened to me that should never have happened but millions of people have overcome worse experiences than the ones I had. I can rid myself of my anger as well."

    Replacement Thought: "I am in control of my thoughts and emotions and I choose to think positively about the future."

    Collect as many of these positive thoughts as you can and memorize them. Practice them 3 times a day for 6 weeks by physically writing them out and saying them out loud as you write them. When you catch yourself dwelling on your JW past, start repeating your memorized thoughts over and over (silently or out loud). This can be done just about anywhere and at just about any time.

    Remember. Your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between the past or the future. Your body will physically react in the here and now, to whatever you're thinking about in any given moment. That's why, for example, you can physically blush when thinking of something stupid you did 10 years ago or you can feel a wave of anxiety just by thinking about something worrisome that might happen in the future.

    Your positive statements need to be in the here and now.

    For example, instead of saying, "I'm going to be a more positive person who tries to live in the moment", you should say it as if it is already so, "I am a positive person who lives one day at a time".

    It sounds too simple to be effective but it works. In time you'll begin to catch yourself early on in the negative thought process and you will arrest them and replace them with positive thoughts. Eventually they will occur less and less often. You will be able to apply this skill in many areas of your life besides with the JW problem.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    1. Counseling

    2. Helping others

    3. Having my own wife and kids

    4. Defeating all of WT teaching using only the bible.

    5. Focusing on the future and not the past

    6. Running a successful business

    7. Discovering the real Jesus (not some angel cock and bull story)

    In other words, they have to be replaced with something MORE valuable. Gotta get your values in order.

  • Biahi

    I wish I could get over this anger, hard to do. That’s why I’m here. Thank you all, my kindred spirits!

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    Jehovah's Witness and 'undeserved kindness'

    try this:

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    The Power of Awareness — A Transformative Mindfulness Training

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    looking for something more in line with your budget?

    try EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques

  • mickbobcat

    You can't. You can work through them and try to get past the disabling anger but you will always be some angry at the damage they caused. Its like telling someone who was rapped to not be angry. They will be angry for the rest of their life.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Get on and live your life - you've only got one, as far as we know.

    All the best.

  • truth_b_known

    So many great posts! Well done everyone. Here is an example of one of the best ways to use this website.

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