Apocalypse Delayed only had a few pages on the 1917 leadership crisis, whereas this book is over 600 pages and pretty detailed
Jim Penton wrote the foreword to this book by Rud Persson
Rud Persson previously collaborated with Carl Olof Jonsson on The Gentile Times Reconsidered and The Sign of the Last Days
It includes an interesting chapter on the Standfast movement
Plus an interesting chapter on what happened in Britain and a biography of Jesse Hemery who was a prominent early British Bible Student, who stuck with Watchtower for decades, only to leave in the 1950s
The book is not without drawbacks. I’m not a fan of the moralising tone in the book, for example telling us who was motivated by what and who was honourable and who wasn’t. Frankly, it’s difficult enough to work out motivations of contemporaries, never mind a hundred years ago. Even our own motivations can be unclear to ourselves at times. So I don’t find it useful for historians overly to speculate about what people were thinking, or even further, to say that they should have done something different than they did.