It's official - the G.B. has replaced the Holy Spirit!

by The Searcher 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein
    Since 1919, the glorified Jesus Christ has been using that slave to help his followers understand God’s own Book and heed its directives.

    Like Jesus would select the corrupt lying idiot such as J Rutherford, who was still holding to the stupidity false doctrine of Pyramidology in 1919 .

    The WTS. was always a corrupt organization of charlatanism, promoting and selling its publications, it was never close to being accurate in bible interpretation.

    They said their interpretations were accurate because they were selling their publications to the public.

  • LevelThePlayingField

    It goes back to what was said at the Royal Commission. They are the guardians of doctrine. :(

  • Lieu

    Odd I thought the Bible was God's "channel" of communication. Those fellows in NY can't even get Biblical stuff right. So they are errant spirit mediums now?

    And what's so hard to interpret? The only thing confusing JWs is WTBTS bullcrap dates and doom n gloom nonsense coming from a desperate uneducated headquarters full of Matrix machines afraid of losing their human batteries.

  • punkofnice

    Watchtowerfree - Perhaps you should have a picture of Pope Jackson saying about it being presumptuous with the quote.......double speak!

  • jhine

    In the OP The Searcher mentions letting the ARC know about this latest , and most definite , statement from the GB about being God's sole mouthpiece on Earth . Has someone done that ?


  • punkofnice

    Jan - You are bang on the money.

    I hope someone can put together a youtube vid of this article and Pope Gluttonous Jackson contradicting it with his 'presumptious' statement.

  • fukitol

    Name one religion that doesn't demand loyalty to its religious leaders. It's just the nature of religion.

    In fact, it's the nature of any money making global organisation, secular or religious.

    You wanna be a member of some religious nuthouse or employee of some rapacious wealthy corporation, you gotta be loyal and tow the line.

  • Nobodyspecial

    Did you notice the magic trick they pulled in that paragraph....? This verbal slight of hand is one of their favorite tricks.


    "Some may feel that they can interpret the Bible on their own.

    {strawman. Nobody cited and thus its a fallacy}

    However, Jesus has appointed the ‘faithful slave’ to be the only*channel for dispensing spiritual food.

    {no evidence cited, to accepted on blind faith just because}

    Since 1919, the glorified Jesus Christ has been using that slave to help his followers understand God’s own Book and heed its directives. By obeying the instructions found in the Bible, we promote cleanness, peace, and unity in the congregation.

    {the two sentances above are the set up for the ultimate slight of hand below. Pay attention....}

    Each one of us does well to ask himself, ‘Am I loyal to the channel that Jesus is using today?’

    wait.... What....? Did you see it??? Right there.... They magically jumped from obedience to the bible and changed it to loyalty to a channel. The blind masses will 'ooohhhhh' and 'aahhhhh' at divine light and never appreciate the true beauty of the wool pulled over their eye.

  • Finkelstein

    It should be obvious now that the GB heads are a bit nervous or paranoid about all the contravening information concerning the JW organization, from its many false proclamations... ie. Christ has returned, mankind now living in the end times etc. .......and doing so for over 140 years !

    Throw in a few notable pedophile law suits, deceitful lying concerning how wealthy the WTS. and you have an environment of insecurity and instability. .

    Remain loyal, stay the course Jah is watching !!!

    Could this fraud finally look like its coming to an end ?

    I think its fair to say that its pretty hard to grow an organization founded upon corruption and expressive deceit.

  • stuckinarut2

    Well said nobodyspecial! Very well said!

    Typical bait and switch tactics of the society!

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