This is probably the most qualitatively focused question that gets examined and investigated concerning the JWS religion in a intent to derive an honest and correct answer to .
My opinion based from facts derived from evaluating the JWS's doctrines and teachings compared to the teaching within the bible itself is outstandingly yes.
The probable reason for this is really not too hard to accept once its reflectively realized that the core operation of the JWS is to publicly distribute the literature the WTS's publishes.
Doctrines were created and proliferated toward that agenda as they still are to this day.
The imposing fear of the soon to come Armageddon, the supposed " This Generation " , the said to come persecution of the JWS because of the "End Times" are all connecting adjectives that created a phobia or psychosis of fear that the WTS uses and exploits to spur on the continuing proliferation and distribution of its own published works.
The unfortunate prevailing circumstances is that the WTS creates a state of mental imbalance indoctrinated into people's consciousness who become strongly attached to this organization to their own peril and harm.
Some have been so mentally wrapped up in this organization in their thinking consciousness and social attachment they couldn't resolve that engagement toward freeing themselves and their only resolve was to take their own life.
Yes unfortunately suicide is closely related to the JWS organization and disgustingly the WTS leaders have used these suicides as vehicles of exploitation of see what happens when we leave the organization, again the element of fear is further exploited .