For me, it's that I don't believe they have ANY authority over us.
What's YOUR Biggest Beef With The Watchtower Organization?
by minimus 16 Replies latest jw friends
Room 215
Let's see... probably their smug conviction that they're the only humans who deserve to be alive, that they have a monopoly on humand decency, against a mountain of evidence to the contrary.
100 years of talking and nothing happening.
Well, it was way back , I dunno, 1996? There was this HUGE well-done steak that they had prepared for me! Beautiful!
Thusfar excellent replies.
However I believe there are far too many issues one can bring up against the Watchtower organization to limit it to any one subject, unless of course that topic has touched you personally by losing a family member or loved one.
- WT doctrine which encourages (even requires) breaking up families and dividing households? (i.e. disfellowshipping etc)
- WT laws which MURDER innocent children whose parents blindly adhere to an ever-changing blood doctrine because they believe they are serving God by doing so?
- The pressure exerted on individuals to not pursue further education and make their quality of life more enjoyable... so as to peddle magazines for a lifetime in poverty instead?
- The shielding of child molesters within the WTS to protect the image of the organization as being governed theocratically by God? After all, an Almighty Being would not allow evil men to exploit "His sole channel of communication" or "sole organization on earth" to rape children now would He? <insert sarcasm here> Especially when imperfect men have more compassion than that and would not tolerate it. (take a moment and realize the weight and validity of that statement)
- The subsequent rape of entire lifetimes of individuals who only in later years realize they have devoted decades to a lie?
How does one judge any one of these poignant issues as more relevant than another? The fact is that the Watchtower Society and it's powers-that-be are an EVIL ENTITY which must be revealed for exactly what they are.
I am sure i will agree with everyone that answers this thread.They will have said it all. kls
Great point, Reborn......... So many people have lost all of their lives for the lie that they believed in. No college, no extra-curricular activities, no association with anyone other than a Witness.......just to name a few things that JW's have to give up that are normal. Sure, a person can be an effective teacher/preacher of the WT. but for what??? Ever changing viewpoints? Believing that YOU will not die but see the paradise "any day now"? It is sad, isn't it?
For me, I just can't understand how a printing company managed to convince 6 million people that they are the keepers of salvation and eternal life. Man, it's just a big multi-level marketing scheme.
That's the reason there are so many warnings against multi-level marketing schemes, from the Society. They obviously know what they're talking about.
Authority/control of an elder "class" using bound volumes which carry as much 'weight' as the Bible.