Then came the fateful day in 1995 when they had their changed teaching on Generation. I felt like I got sucker-punched and I knew it was really OVER.....from that point forward it was in my mind that I somehow had to make my exit from the Witness religion. Once I started planning, I don't believe I ever felt sick to my stomach after that.
I have a friend who confided with me about just that. He's an older man, been in the truth for years, and that very change among many other things almost made him leave. Now, I was 10 in 1995, but I don't think I ever heard much about this change in all the years since. So when he told me about that, it essentially was a new idea... And he just added fuel to the fire for me. That is complete BS.
Interestingly, Bart Ehrman wrote in "Jesus, Interrupted" that as "this generation" passed, and by that he meant what the apocalyptic Christians then understood it to be, decades went by and it became necessary to reinterpret the gospels. That's why the resurrection and earthly new world morphed into the afterlife of heaven and hell. That's why mainstream Christianity doesn't discuss or believe it. It also means we're not nearly the first sect to be caught by this.