question- What will happen to me now?? will my parents expel me from my own home, or we can live in the same house without contact. ???
Hey Math2561, you're asking us what will happen when you really need to assess your own situation at home: Knowing your parents the way you do, what do you think they will do? You say your mother respects your decision - that looks promising.
It also depends how old you are and what "sins" you have committed - you'll probably know that apostasy is the very worst, although some of the sexual sins ain't far behind. You say you are adult and mature - but, rightly or wrongly, I sense you have lived at home up until this point and have little to no experience living away from home. Is that right? This could be your opportunity to do some helpful planning about where you could live. Are you employed? Do you have savings? These questions matter when you consider taking practical steps towards your own independence.
Keep your head about you, won't you. Stay tuned to this forum - there have been so many threads from young people who have decided to leave and who still live at home and recommendations have been very useful.