Catholic Church killed off alot of Christian books from the "offical" bible collection. So why let thru the weird book of Revelation? Have you read the Watchtowers explanation it's a joke Rutherford's conventions play a huge part.
How did Revelation make it in the bible?? It's a drug fuelled trip!
by Witness 007 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
Anony Mous
Because Revelation was the least weird one, read some of the other available books and you’ll soon find a ton of reasons why those books were left out of the canon they wanted to create.
That being said, Revelation falls in the same set as Daniel and other apocalyptic writings in the Bible, it’s basically a set of writings about the political situation of those days, back then would’ve been easily understood but the details have since largely been lost.
What gets me is why do the JW`s religion accept what basically is a Catholic Bible in the first place,or even did what the CJCLDS did and add their own book?
Or maybe that was too much for them to do.
IIRC there was a big big controversy about whether to finally include it or not in the canon of accepted books. I'm pretty sure it is documented somewhere, all the back and forth of the debate.
Yes, it was definitely written under the influence of....something!
Why did Her Majesty end up on Abbey road?
Book of Revelation may have many human inputs, yet it has some real prophetic elements such as 11:18 which speaks of a time earth will undergo Climate Emergency, and now we are experiencing it.(
The Apostle John, like Paul, was a zealot who believed the end would come in his lifetime. Revelations is a book using metaphor to describe the Roman Empire and how treated the nations it conquered.
Book of Revelation may have many human inputs, yet it has some real prophetic elements such as 11:18 which speaks of a time earth will undergo Climate Emergency, and now we are experiencing it.
How do you get from some vague words in an old collection of writings to 'climate emergency'?
Because Revelation 11:18 speaks of a time when people "ruin" the fine-tuning of earth. This can happen only after industrial revolution. Hence, Book of Revelation is not about 1st century, but about 20 and 21sr century. The Greek word for "ruin" is διαφθεῖραι (diaphtheirai)
Verb - Aorist Infinitive Active
Strong's 1311: "To destroy, waste; hence met: I corrupt. From diaballo and phtheiro; to rot thoroughly, i.e. to ruin." Usefulness of environment is being wasted.Ruination was deliberately brought.
Even after COP26, oil giants are seeking more investment in fossil energy.
Because Revelation 11:18 speaks of a time when people "ruin" the fine-tuning of earth.
I see what you are saying but it doesn't say anything about the fine tuning of the Earth. It doesn't matter what a Greek word says, that's just academic.
In another 100 years time, they'll be saying something else 'trendy' about it.
....and please, do me a favour, never quote the Guardian as authority, it's utter garbage written by Lefty, woke, neo Marxist activists.
Until the Bible states something exactly, without resorting to people shoehorning things in or making something out of a vagueness for their own agenda, I remain sceptical. I think that's reasonable, don't you?