Pounding the disfellowship crap this week. That nnea3n we should avoid the drunk on the GB and ignore the pleas for money?
Do not fellowship with greedy drunkards
by road to nowhere 14 Replies latest jw friends
Now Brother Morris drinks responsibly but he's still an arrogant and ignorant self righteous over opinionated git without the booze.
nnea3n ???
Greedy drunkards? No, never fellowship with them.
It's always better to hang out with the kind of drunkards that will buy the next round.
road to nowhere
Fat fingers. Nnea3... means. I was sneaking this in during neeting
GreatTeacher, that was damn funny!
Drinking helps when your a flow blown JW. Makes the "truth" more understandable after a few drinks.
CS:BL February 28, 1980
Dear Fellow Workers:
Need we say how very much you are appreciated by your brothers because of the good work you are doing in the congregations? As you preside in a fine way and work hard in speaking and teaching, the congregation responds by giving you “double honor.” This is certainly an encouragement for you to keep on working hard and you can be sure Jehovah will richly reward your efforts.—Heb. 6:10; 1 Tim. 5:17.
Being an overseer of God’s flock is a highly responsible office. (Isa. 32:1, 2) Jehovah expects us all to maintain his high standards. Reports reaching us reveal that there is an area all need to watch so that problems are not unnecessarily created. This has to do with the use of alcoholic beverages.
It has been observed that some elders go to the meetings smelling of alcohol. Although this is by far the minority we feel obliged to mention it at this time so that we do not become causes for stumbling for others (2 Cor. 6:3) and so that we can help one another if there is the need to do so.
Did an elder drive to the Kingdom Hall smelling of liquor?
Did an elder sit in on a judicial meeting liquored up and not fit to make a decision?
Doesn't the word "Reports" mean that there were more than just "one" report?
If the problem got to be so bad that a letter had to be sent out, wouldn't this suggest that the problem was of a serious nature?
If anyone wants the original 1980 letter just let me know.
Hi 'Road'
any more specifics you can give us re: the disfellowshipping crap they're talking about. What is it in reference to?
I forgot to zoom into the meeting, lol
road to nowhere
There is another thread that is covering it better