The use of color in this vid, clearly connects what is evil = purple, and what is violent = browns.
The snake is purple, sparlock is purple, the poster for University, the scenes where both children are tempted, let's not forget SATAN and by chance (really?) Sophia is dressed in purple.
The ones that have turned their back on Jehovah are all violent killers and are in brown. So is Caleb's fantasy army guy. Also rather interesting, what color are the angels bathed in = golden browns.

In the scene where the poster is, the family drives by it. In the far away shot, I got the impression (because of the big dark eyes) of a rather creepy skull face. There is some fake writing at the top of the poster that seems like it says N n sjskdf vs Hydaeydg but implies University because of the faintness of it. Also looks like Swedish and I know it doesn't really say anything.
The WT is trying to add in humor in these terrible little cartoons. Like with the one on Noah's ark with everyone dying because they played on a handheld game instead of listening - haha that was funny. Now they have a sharp nosed teacher and a kid with cheeto powder around his mouth and gaps in his teeth. Hahaha aren't they comical?
And if there are thousands of Angels watching what you are doing right, then won't a child feel frightened and doomed when they (being children) do something wrong? Surely the angels will tell God.
And the picture of "God" silently and without even hint of body in the clouds, watching, is kind of creepy too. At least Jesus has a smile but God - faceless and emotionless.