I remember seeing this book somewhere years ago. It is straight forward Evangelical theology and if authentic, it must mean such a movement was within bethel. I think for anyone who had any sympathy with the Russell/JW worldview, the alarm bells would go off right away
The Watchtower's Most Secret Book!
by Atlantis 44 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, you are the third person who has seen or remembers this book. Atlantis (grandpa), mentioned that back in those days even Ed Dunlap had sneaked in his views into the Commentary Of James. It was said the Watchtower wanted to do away with that Commentary.
On page 47 of The Commentary, at the bottom of the page and on page 57 which showed a question. Reference to ALL Christians being sons of God and not just the 144,000, or something to that effect.
There is still hot coffee Joe!
Bible reading leads Witnesses back to those old doctrines of Christendom. That's why you need the Slave to monitor and control the scriptures and your thoughts about them.
Surprized though to see hellfire promoted by this group of secret Watchtower apostates.
There are some internal indications that this was written from an evangelical perspective rather than a JW apostate still living at bethel. For example:
1. Page 104 describes “the working of miracles” as an indication that a true Christian has God’s Holy Spirit.
2. Page 107 says “cults do not believe in salvation as a free gift”.
3. Page 108 says “many religious organizations today are very regimented and have a tight form of unity among themselves such as Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Moonies, Orthodox Jews, etc.”
4. Page 110 says “Many religions today portray the good news as a future rulership of the earth by their own religious system. This view is promoted by the Mormon church, the Worldwide Church of God, Jehovah’s Witnesses and the followers of Sun Myung Moon to name but a few.”
5. Page 111 implies that true Christians can fight in the military saying “if the peace and security of many people are threatened by godless aggressors, the conscience of many Christians, as well as a sense of community responsibility will motivate them to stand up for what is right”, describing taking up arms as sometimes “the lesser of two evils”.
6. Page 115 says “the third kind of false Christian is one who has fallen prey to the teachings of men and have become part of a religion that is not Christian at all, despite its claims to be such”.
I could be wrong, but these statements seem to be written from the perspective of an evangelical attempting to refute the teachings of JWs. Many of the people who left bethel as a result of the 1970/80s apostasy outbreak no doubt went on to become evangelical Christians who believe in the Trinity, miracles by Holy Spirit, argue that fighting in the military is compatible with Christianity, and would class Jehovah’s Witnesses as a “cult” alongside Mormons, Moonies and others. If it was written by a bethelite then I suspect it was probably written after he had left the organisation and had fully accepted the evangelical critique of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
I could be wrong, but that’s how it looks to me.
I want to emphasise again, thank you to Petra/Atlantis for bringing it to us.
It would be good to learn who the author was and when he wrote it.
under the radar
Petra, thank you so much for posting this! And the other links, too.
An identical book, maybe this very one, was sold on eBay last week for almost $200. If I had to guess, I'd say it's likely that whoever bought it is probably the one who sent it to Atlantis, knowing that was the best possible use for it. By making it available here, you and Atlantis have done all us a great service. Thanks again!
I don't know for sure who sent it to you, but please let them know that their unselfish gift may accomplish much good and is appreciated by many.
under the radar:
Thank you all. And there is hot coffee for all of you, and a slice or two of apple pie.
Petra, amen all Christians are sons of God!
Thank you Joe! Have a wonderful evening!
Okay, listen up everybody ... I am that "Bible Student" who owned the book. In fact several years ago I posted about it and nobody even blinked an eye.
Here's the link: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5083167954305024/truth-that-gives-you-eternal-life
I was an original member of this forum from day 1, I posted under my initials RR, but somehow that account got locked and I took a long hiatus from the forum to pursue other endeavors. (I wish I had that account back, look into it Simon)
So here's the story ... Tom and Gloria Cabeen were close friends with my ex-wife and mother-in-law in the 70s. Tom served as an elder in the French Congregation in the Newark/Elizabeth NJ area where my ex and her mother attended. They were very good friends and Tom and Gloria spent a lot of time over their home visiting and slept over.
We were married in 1990 and I already had one foot out the door because I figured it out within a few years in the 80s but stayed because my ex didn't want to cause a scene for her mother who was well respected in the French speaking district (she actually donated the land in Haiti for the Society's branch office and funded it's building).
I had heard stories about Tom from them. Later when I read In Search of Christian Freedom. It mentioned Tom, so I wrote to Ray Franz via Commentary Press and to my surprise he wrote back to me within a few days. He said he happened to be on the phone with Tom when my letter arrived and Tom told Ray to give me his address. So I wrote to Tom and later called and my wife was excited to see them, so we drove to Connecticut and spent the weekend with them.
I love books and so began looking through Tom's library and found the "Truth" book, I asked him about it and he laughed and told me the story how it was the product of Bethelites secret studies. I didn't think much of it. He said I could have it and so I took.
It sat on my shelf for 30 years. I don't know who wrote it, I know it wasn't Tom because he had already left Bethel by then to start a family.
I believe the covers were made on the Bethel presses, the pages were photocopied and bound. Someone mentioned why it wasn't 192 pages and pocket size, well let me just say it would take some big cajones to format and print this book on the Society's press without them knowing. Printing a few covers wouldn't draw attention.
As was mentioned, the book is 8.5 x 11 and has about 116 pages, with 10 chapters. Each paragraph is numbered with questions at the bottom just like a Watchtower publication.
I have tried for years to find out more about this book every time I came across it on my shelf. With the advent of the internet, I found nothing. I asked everybody, and no one could tell me anything. Remember this was some 40 years ago. Most of those involved have either left God and Truth, joined another church and moved on with their lives. Randy Watters is in poor health, Tom Cabeen just turned 70. Ray Franz is gone. most of those involved are either dead or just plain old.
I sat down recently and read it cover to cover and it wasn't my theology, not what I believe in. So I put it on eBay and sold it. Like I did with much of my 6,000 Watchtower related books.
That's the story.
Thank you RR for the details of the book. Atlantis has bragged about you since I was 5 years old. You are very dear to us.
Petra, granddaughter of Atlantis!