Front row seats watching the collapse of watchtower

by Indoubtbigtime 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gorb

    Haha we did a lot of speculation in the 90's, but nothing realy changed. They transformed to and will do again to keep the business running.

    The rank and file will accept everything, listen what I say: accept everything.

    Jo Publisher gets his needed structure from, the wife the gossip she needs to live and the children their organizational ambition and skills.

    It's a social bubble and it's members obey with low IQ & low education.

    So you will be at the front row for long.


  • Chinosandfruit

    They will get simpler and even more basic.

    Focus on obedience to the GB no matter what and sticking to a very limited selection of verses as the rest of it is getting harder and harder to Explain/ justify

    possibly a double down on the homophobia and shunning to ramp up the ‘ them and us - we are separate from the world’ rhetoric

    i don’t think it will collapse however I’d be surprised if it’s not a lot smaller as the older members pass away. In my local cong I can think of only one person who has come in from door to door work in 25 years. Rest are born ins and returnees.

  • Chinosandfruit

    A world away from the knorr bible scholar religion. There’s barely anything left

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    All you ever hear is Governing Body, Governing Body, faithful slave , governing body, same stuff all the time.

  • Phizzy

    I am heartened just to hear of the young, and youngish people who are leaving , they can now really LIVE their lives !

    I was chatting to a young guy I met the other day, he used to go along to the K.H until the late 90's, never joined, but still remembers lots of the young ones who were there then, as I still was, some of these were still babies ! he keeps an eye on Social media, I was amazed at all the young ones he named who have left for sure ! From just one Cong. !

    J.W org can maybe fool some youngsters, but not the majority anymore !

  • Hellothere

    Only thing i have seen from back in the 90s are huge amount youngster from different congregation abandon watchtower. And no young people from territory coming in. The numbers they present every year must be fake.

  • Phizzy

    " The numbers they present every year must be fake."

    It will be interesting to see the figures for the 21/22 Service year, which ended last September ! Well into January 23, and still no sign of a yearly Report ? Hmmmm what's that smell of Books Cooking ?

  • ThomasMore

    I recall a group of houses on a beach that we used to see often. Year after year after year we drove past them and we thought they would always be there. One day, a storm hit that stretch of beach directly and POOF! - THEY WERE GONE!!

    Likewise, just because WTC has survived since 1879, does not mean that they will always be here. The storm is beginning to hit them directly in civil and criminal (yes criminal) judgements. Don't be surprised to hear that the GB has left with their Go Bags.

    Some cases are brewing now that may have the effect of a direct storm hit. Even if they survive, they will be a shadow of what they used to be.

  • ThomasMore

    Hellothere - the numbers ARE indeed fake.

  • ThomasMore

    Gorb - they transformed because they were collapsing. They hired a PR Agency and rebranded as It didn't just happen through natural organic change - it was calculated.

    What is happening now is that the old problems they sought to distance themselves from have returned.

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