Control is a powerful feeling. The GB feel so powerful you can see the arrogance on their faces when they speak.
by Half banana 20 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Control is a powerful feeling. The GB feel so powerful you can see the arrogance on their faces when they speak.
It's like any organization, once it's been established the goal is to survive, to maintain itself. Of course any organization is a group of individuals, and they are what keeps the organization going. Individuals may start out as true believers, but I think once you become part of an organization hierarchy in a corrupt religion like the Watchtower two things come into play. 1) people have a hard time facing the fact that they made a bad choice and 2) People become invested in maintaining their position.
It's a normal behavior for people to continue to justify bad choices rather than admit they made a mistake. Study after study shows that rather than abandon a course of action when it doesn't work out, people are likely to invest even more time energy or money in is a course of action. The ego is fragile, people simply cannot admit they were wrong. People like Barbara Anderson, who courageously spoke out when she saw things were not right are very rare.
Then, when people become part of the hierarchy in a corrupt religion like the Watchtower they become invested in maintaining their position, they become corrupted themselves. I think that is why people remain, even when they find out disturbing information. You may fool yourself that you are still a believer, but at some point you have sold out and you know it. It doesn't matter than its an unpaid position, you are getting room and board at the least, security, some status and to leave would be difficult, the higher you go the more difficult it is. Can you imsgine someone on the GB leaving and becoming a regular person again? What are they going to do, be a Wal-Mart Greeter? If they had an ounce of integrity they wouldn't be where they are, it's never going to happen.
We had a hospital services district (a government organization) in a nearby town that effectively served no function, there were no hospitals in the town, nor had there been for years. None of the people serving had any motivation to petition to dissolve the organization because they were getting a paycheck for virtually no work. It became a self licking ice cream cone.
That is why you are seeing desperation on the part of the governing body. They see the problems, but at this point it's impossible to be honest and admit the organization was ever wrong, or they were wrong for staying, and they will never change course in any substantial way. They simply double down on the stupidity and hope things get better, they have no choice. And the organization may start to shrink, but there will always be believers, no matter how big the problems get, because they cannot admit they were wrong either.
Lisa Rose - that sounds exactly right to me. Extremely well explained.
Sorry Lisa-Rose,
My fat-fingers pressed dislike. It was meant to be a "like".
Your observations are spot-on.
They simply double down on the stupidity and hope things get better, they have no choice. And the organization may start to shrink, but there will always be believers, no matter how big the problems get, because they cannot admit they were wrong either.
Well said LisaRose
This may be the underling actualization of why the WTS heads are pressing for so much money now days, in effect covering their bases so they can personally live off the WTS.
If I were an elderly JWS with practically no retirement financial support, I might be persuaded to do so as well.
Two Thumbs up and a Gold Star to LisaRose for the most articulate and well thought out post of the day.
Lisa - Rose
Your analyzis are "on the spot"
I agree with Lisa. The Org is a living, parasitic entity. It won't die easily.
Power is always dangerous. Power attracts the worst and corrupts the best.
Edward Abbey.
This "tribute" you mention to be made in perpetuity is the religion's way of instituting tithing. Only they are targeting the hall as a whole and not individuals!
I can't even feel sorry for anybody there stupid enough to give money!
That's an interesting theory: that somebody else may be behind them. Any way we can find out?
I think what is behind this cash grab is a combination of several things:.. anticipated payouts for lawsuits;..changed tax status in certain areas;..comfortable retirement for upper management;..and the anticipation of more loss of membership and the corresponding further drop in donations!
The bottom line is to get a reserve of money to sustain the whole thing during the coming LEAN years they are anticipating, is my guess.