A & E Cults-Barbara Anderson

by Joyzabel 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Joyzabel

    16 years ago Dateline's report on JW's and child abuse was aired May 28, 2002, a Tuesday night and tonight A&E aired on May 29, 2018, Tuesday night!

    I can't help but think how Barbara has tirelessly worked to expose the child abuse issue within the Watchtower/JW.org and is still working to not only expose the problem but to help change the laws in the USA to help protect children. She has a wealth of information gathered for over 20 years on how the governing body protects the pedophile and not help the victims

    Thank you Barbara (and Joe) for all your hard work and now seeing results throughout the world of helping everyone see what the Watchtower/JW.org is really about.

    A&E's show is an excellent program, well put together.

  • Whynot

    I missed it! How can I see a replay? Maybe YouTube?

  • berrygerry


    On May 18, Barbara Anderson, an ex-Witness-turned-whistleblower who worked for a decade at the religion’s onetime headquarters in Brooklyn, filed a complaint with the New York State Attorney General’s Office that accused top Witness officials of “covering up criminal activities committed by up to 775” pedophiles who lurked within the organization.

    Anderson, 77, spent much of the last year compiling the 113-page complaint, leveraging a trove of internal records and memos that she amassed while she worked in the 1980s and ’90s for the Witnesses’ leadership, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    @Whynot - There's a re-run at 2:00 a.m. eastern time, 5/30/18; also showing again at 2:00 p.m. on Fri June 1.

  • JunkYardDog

    i'm watching it now. very good.....

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    It was well done. Happy that Barbara and Joe played major roles in the hour long showing. This show is scheduled to repeat numerous times in the days to come at various afternoon hours. We'll see what happens. One thing is for sure...bad publicity is never good for a prideful organization...and this show did a good job in bringing awareness to WT's pedophilia problem.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    It was done very well. To see Barbara and Joe on this topic was very reassuring for me. I must admit watching the show last night brought up a lot of feelings of anger in me. I was sick to my stomach after the show was over. It took me hours to settle down to I could go to sleep. Remy is a true survivor of sexual abuse. I wish her a long and healthy life. I hope this will be the spark to end up his cult. Still Totally ADD

  • ToesUp



  • Finally Left
    Finally Left

    I watched the program last night. I still cannot stop thinking about it. I never thought about the people in prison that are studied with, some are molesters and they are brought into the congregations and of course no one is ever told they are child molesters. I am sick.

    The other surprising thought was Barbara Anderson found in the files they have been paying people for years because of the child abuse. Don't you think that if Jehovah and Jesus were leading this organization they would put policies in place to protect children? And obviously they don't care about children but they care about their money. So why not put policies in place so they are not getting sued all the time? They really are stupid.

    I cannot believe I spent over 40 years of my life in this cult. They need to go down and hopefully they are well on the way.

  • Introvert 2
    Introvert 2

    Hi, if there's anyway to get a YouTube link that would be great. Thank-you Barbara and Joe you guys are the best !

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