a question: how does an elder move ahead? what i mean is my father has been an elder for over 20 years and as far as i know he has never been offered any high profile jobs, CO etc, never gotten to give the BIG talks at assemblies, etc, i was just wondering is there some type of politics that goes along with it?
how do you get ahead in the org?
by Azalo 18 Replies latest jw friends
how does an elder move ahead?
He leaves!
:I was just wondering is there some type of politics that goes along with it?
The JW's? Political? c'mon....
As in any corporation (this one being a printing/selling corporation), there are corporate politics.
The ways you move up the ladder, in general, are (1) Keep up good appearances, and (2) Smooch enough butts. It also doesn't hurt if you have the proper connections through your family.
advertise, advertise, advertise.
From what I've seen, if you are a 'nobody' (no major family connections in the 'truth'), you need to grovel an awful lot and be willing to bend over backwards at all times. You must never, ever question anything and keep your mouth shut at all times. If you are a 'somebody' (great-grandad, grandad, dad all elders. Aunts, uncles, mum, sisters etc all pioneers), you will get somewhere eventually. It's not what you know, but who you know.
Just my opinion
or fake your service reports. i've heard that works wonders.
To become a C.O., an elder first has to be a regular pioneer for several years. He also has to be a pioneer that is fruitful in the ministry. Having abilities as a speaker and counsel-giver is also important. Having underaged children also disqualifies an elder since it's harder to travel with children. He must also have excellent health, this is something new that the Society is stressing. One other aspect are debts and responsabilities. The elder has to be free of debts as they will take a "vow of poverty" once he becomes a C.O.
To have talks in assemblies and conventions, an elder has to be a good speaker and it helps to be a regular pioneer. Why? Because many of the talks have to do with field service and pioneering, so they will prefer someone that is actually doing what he's preaching from the platform. To become a speaker in a district convention, he must first have talks in the circuit assemblies where he will be graded as a speaker by the C.O. and D.O. The grading system also depends on what kind of talk he's had in the circuit level. For example, an elder could be an excellent outline speaker, but not so good when it comes to interviews. Or he could have had bible highlights which is a 6 minute talk versus a talk of 15 minutes or more. In other words, the district conventions are experienced speakers.
Isn't the organisation supposed to be egalitarian?
What happens to the DOs and COs when they have to retire from service? Are they found accommodation and provided for by the organisation?
The faithful and discreet slave are said to number 144,000 and are supposed to give us our food at the proper time. Why is it, then, that there is an elite few giving the rest of us AND the other faithful and discreet slave their food? Surely ALL the F&DS have the knowledge that is given them via holy spirit? Where in scripture does it say there'll be an elistest group within the 144,000 and these alone are to dispense it?
In my ex congregation was one of the anointed. Why didn't she ever give the congregation any spiritual food? Why don't the GB liase with all the remaining F&DS around the world instead of lauding over them?
Why do the GB take a vote? That is a democracy when it should be a theocracy.
Please, SofJ, I'm not out to lambast you. I GENUINELY would like your answers to these questions.
Best wishes,
Thunder Rider
Piano wire seems to work well...
You need to have your whole family at the hall EVERY time, all with false smiles and polyester dress.
You need to have family that are elders themselves to stick up for you in times of need.
Most of all, you just need to be a company yes man .