"MUST" Release such Guilty Members to Punishment!

by Atlantis 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Atlantis

    "MUST" Release such Guilty Members to Punishment

    Watchtower 1962, November 15th, pg.-693, par.-9-10

    “9 Worldly authorities render a judgment and punish persons, whether they are inside the congregation or outside, if they violate the laws of decency and good order. The violators have no right to complain at such punishment, as Paul showed by his words before Caesar’s judgment seat. (Acts 25:11) Hence the Christian congregation cannot protect any of its members if they steal, smuggle, commit bigamy, murder, libel, defraud, and so forth. The congregation must release such guilty members to punishment by worldly authorities. Since the guilty break the laws of the land and thus oppose the “authority,” they are taking a stand against God’s arrangement.”

    “10 The Christian congregation has no orders from God and has no right to protect such opposers and lawbreakers from the due punishment by the “authority” of the land. We cannot hinder, oppose or condemn the execution of the krima or judgment by aiding or shielding lawbreakers. To do so would put the Christian congregation also in opposition to God’s arrangement. Besides letting the krima or “judgment” take its course upon offending members who bring reproach upon God’s people, the congregation may disfellowship such lawbreakers. The congregation does not want to deserve a krima or “judgment” with the lawbreakers by siding or cooperating with them and opposing the worldly “authority.” It also wants no reproach.”

    Paragraph 9 plainly states: “The congregation MUST release such guilty members to punishment by worldly authorities.” This is not a request, but a command issued by the Watchtower. Wouldn't this include rapists and pedos within the congregations?


    Helping friends with their home repairs.



  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    Wow Atlantis great find.I am going to save it n definitely going to be mailed to a few eyes to see and make them squirm/or wakeup!

    Thank you


  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    The Truth Means Responsibility Which Is Why They Dread It! So Blackball it!


  • Finkelstein

    So this proves that the GB leaders enacted as apostates to the bible's instruction when they intentionally concealed people from public law authorities who committed the unlawful act (crime) of pedophilia within the organization ?

  • truth_b_known

    Watchtower worshippers will walk those statements back by stating that they agree they are not to protect or hinder the earthly authorities from holding lawbreakers accountable, but are not under scriptural obligation to report lawbreakers to the earthly authorities. Then it comes down to Watchtower's favorite game of semantics as to what "hinder" means. Failure to report is hindering in my book. However Watchtower would disagree.

  • Atlantis





    Thank you!

    Pizza for everybody!

  • Vidiot
    Atlantis - "This is not a request, but a command issued by the Watchtower. Wouldn't this include rapists and pedos within the congregations?"


    The fact that they deliberately and explicitly failed to follow this command - even after it was put in writing available to JWs everywhere - is one of the many little clues that indicate (to me, at least) that the problem has long been far too prolific and institutionalized for it to ever be truly fixable without catastrophic consequences...

    ...i.e. they ignored this particular principle regarding sex offenders because by the 80s (still stinging from the post-Ray-Franz-related "apostate" witch hunts), they realized that if they followed it, they'd be forced to disqualify too many young guys from serving in the congregations (whether they went to prison or not), thus crippling the Org's ability to function at the grassroots level...

    ...and because arrests and convictions become a matter of Public Record, the full scope of the problem would then become too apparent to the rank-and-file, and therefore too deeply undermine their confidence in the Org's insistent claims of Divine Exclusivity (which, BTW, were what the previously-mentioned witch-hunts were really about, IMO).

    Personally, I suspect that if these two conditions became too severe, I doubt the WTS would survive...

    ...and what's more, I suspect the WTS is afraid of that, too.

  • Atlantis


    WOW, thanks!


  • smiddy3

    I wonder if the ARC was given this information from that WT of 1962 ? I hope it was.

  • fastJehu

    Eric Wilson makes exact this point here in this video:


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