The governing body KNEW
by FedUpJW 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Ahhhh.... so they knew beforehand??? Well, they weren't very good with the details. Those don't look like Trump supporters to me. The most prominently featured one is black - not the kind you'd expect to see at the Capitol riot. -
Sigfrid Mallozzi
So, just so it's clear, the upper photo is of the Capitol building and the second photo is the "White House" where the President of the USA lives and looks similar to Watchtower cartoon photo.
Many are now protesting the WTS/JWorg lies and corruption.
The voice of the people will never die.
LOL took them 99 years but they finally got one right!
I'd be more impressed if there was a guy in horns in that picture
joey jojo
Yes mynameislame, that would have been the clincher. 😄
If you urinate into the wind long enough ,eventually your shoes will get wet.
In truthful reality people have been protesting governments for thousands of years, nothing new.
Why is that religionists are many times void of truth, knowledge and honesty,
Maybe its because of their established power and the ongoing sustainability of that power they become inherently corrupt ?
If they have to use something so stupid as proof that they are inspired its worst than a 5 dollar tarot card reader.