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by Atlantis 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thank you, Atlantis!
if these are the only reasons to form a Congregation, why are they here in Europe, re-arranging Congregations? I will explain:
elders, and MS, and publishers are being asked to serve in other congregations, by the CO's, some of them have to make great distances to be members of that congregation.. If you don't want to change congregation, you are not be viewed as a exemplar publisher antmore according to the CO.. Isn't that contradictory with this instruction?
You make a good point!
Sigh, more control-freakery from the Borg.
Thanks for posting!
It's really only for CO's but the elders are copied in to make the 99.999% of elders who aren't having to form (or likely to need) new congs think that someplace, somewhere there are new ones being formed.
Oh, it didn't have the usual sign off language....
"with warmest Christian love and bestest wishes (of a non magical manner), your brothers the GB (GOD spokesmen)"
The reason for the lack of a usual sign off statement is that this is not a letter. It looks like a page out of some procedural book.
Thanks atlantis!
What is a "Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook"? Dont think i have seen that mentioned before?
20 For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst.” *
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