I almost got DFed over this more than 20 years ago, Before assembly elders in circuit were asked to approve a donation to WT of. £xxx aware that this would exceed funds available so involve a "tax" per publisher sent to each congregation so deficit. Would be cleared and leave a surplus .
This about time when elders also became Trustees as each congregation registered as a charity. I pointed out to CO before the meeting that we were voting as trustees as it involved cong money and therefore had no right to spend what we did not have. I had asked for guidance from Charity Commission on this and their guidance was that all individual trustees personally responsible for any overspend and that they should be aware that they could personally have to repay the amount that they had illegally approved. At mtg CO told elders all resolutions had been approved by branch, no mention of my reservations. When vote came I insisted on a "no" vote which never had happened and personally asked my name as a dissenter be in the minutes. No more assembly items for me! People moved aside as I walked around after mtg. CO was previously cook in mill hill, cannot recall his name but a clear zombie obeying any orders.
Nuremberg defence for everything, I was only carrying out orders. Would have made good officers in the third reach, people like that