My New Thoughts on Adam and Eve (don't laugh)

by xjwsrock 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • daringhart13
    Did Adam have a belly button?
  • atomant
    l think the reason they were placed in a garden with fences was to keep the preadamics out.Maybe this is where adam and eve came from but god transformed the couple into a new improved version of a human.l assume there were fences because god put angels at the gates once they got kicked out again to stop whoever from getting back in.The garden of eden was an experiment gone wrong and remember that adam and eve were set up to fail from the very beginning.As has been previously pointed out in this thread how on earth could adam and eve have possibly made a fully informed decision based on their knowledge.lm beginning to think the earth was seeded by an advanced race.Think about mankinds recent advancements over the past century.Now think what mankind might learn over the next 1 million years if they dont destroy themselves.An advanced race of beings would easily be able to transform an uninhabitable planet into a habitable planet.Just my thoughts of thinking out of the box.
  • Heaven

    Well, obviously, you're thinking way too much. In order to have faith, you must abandon logic, reason, truth, and intellectual honesty. If you do not, you get into trouble. Once you know a thing, you can't unknow it. Like how the human genome project shows we originated in Africa, not the Middle East.

    If one is to believe that the Adam and Eve story is literal truth, then what follows, logically, is that the entire human race is a product of incestuous relationships. Logic raises far more questions than the Bible or Christians have made up answers for.

  • xjwsrock

    Scary21 - Thank You

    atomant - I too have given thought to the fence/wall that must have been around Eden for one guarded gate to forbid entrance. While we're on the subject, I have to point out again the glaring anachronism of a spinning sword blocking the way before swords were invented. Thank you Thomas Payne for noticing that one and writing about it.

    Heaven - You know what? My Jw wife tells me just that exact thing. I think too much and read too much. How horrible to use the mind God gave you. I'll research the human genome project. Thanks for that.

  • elbib

    Interesting part is that there are two contradictory accounts of creation one in Genesis chapter one, and other from Chapter 2 and 3 where we find the cooked up story of Adam and Eve. “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:26, 27) According to first creation account, male and female groups were simultaneously created. And also, the first meaning of the word Adam is mankind, not just a single man.

    If we take second account of creation seriously, then there are many difficulties:

    1. God, the source of all wisdom, will not act in dishonor of Himself. If God does not want them to eat from that particular tree, simple option is that such a tree should not be created in the first place! (It is like digging a big pit in the middle of an Express-Highway and asking the road-users to avoid falling into it.) Account does not glorify God in any way, because what God said (“in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die”) did not take place. Bible says Adam lived for 930 years. (Genesis 5:3) And following the disobedience, in the affirmation of the punishment too God stresses harsher living, rather than the originally-decreed death. (Genesis 3:8-19) Story dishonors God in that He punished MORE severely the children of the violator, rather than the violator. For example, increasing of labour-pain given to Eve as punishment spread to all of her innocent children throughout the history. Some of them had to die in labour-room prematurely due to more pain than Eve experienced, thus delivering children with no mother to care for!

    2. “The tree of the knowledge of good and evil” planted by God did not live up to its name. Because account says “when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat.” Sense of good or bad would have arisen in Eve only after eating the fruit of that tree, but here she got that sense even before eating it. Hence the question arises: Was it a literal tree?

    3. If Satan is so smart as to scheme against God and his children, he would definitely choose some smart method, not a sub-standard temptation as in this case. It is too obvious that Adam and Eve who had already experienced God as their unlimited benefactor would never believe God as withholding something good from them, nor He is a liar, especially when such a malicious suggestion originated from a stranger—with a strange phenomenon—a snake with speaking ability! Also Satan contradicted only the effects of their disobedience, which of course further weakens his position, because prima facie, it is the Law-giver that knows the effects of disobedience, not the spectators who have never seen a violation before.

    4. A) It is unlikely that Adam and Eve would respond to such a lie the way they did. If they wanted to know whether they would die without eating from the tree, it is common sense that they should wait for sufficient time. For need of eating from that tree arises only when they are going to die. Hence no one would choose to eat from that tree before such a need arises. Waiting was safer option. While waiting, either of the two situations will arise—they will continue to live on and on (in this case, they don’t have to eat from that tree), or they will gradually sense that their body is moving towards death (in this case, they can try that particular tree to avert death). On the contrary, if they go ahead and eat from the tree, and thereafter find that they are going to die, what will they do? They have no other option left to try!

    B) Adam and Eve who were perfect in their intelligence and reason will not act so rashly with such a life-and-death matter. They will definitely weigh the matter and see all the pros and cons of it. If they really believed what Satan said, they still had another safer option. In their natural wisdom, they would decide that one of them will try first, and after seeing the result, would decide the course of action for the other. Suppose Eve ate first, and then was going to succumb to death, Adam can avoid further testing, and approach God and say what had really happened and request God to take action against Satan, the liar, and deal with Eve mercifully as this was a matter of curiosity and first instance. [Suppose! Your loving Father says there is a lion in a nearby cave, and you and your wife should avoid going into its vicinity Later a stranger contradicts your father. Will you and your wife TOGETHER go straight into the cave to verify the presence of a lion inside the cave? You have so many other options like the medical scientists who try their newly-invented medicines on other species before they try on themselves] Look at the imperfect, distant offspring of Adam and Eve—for example Bank officials—how much checking and documentation they do before sanctioning a loan to an applicant, before parting with the money entrusted to them by others. In case of any doubt, they simply refuse to proceed!

  • nowwhat?
    They were running around naked for Pete's sake! They were as intellectly developed as a 3 year old.
  • pixel

    lol god had to have created bad to have it to be done.

    This. When you think about it, Genesis goes down the drain.

    And what proof or scripture(s) does WT have that God communicated with Adam in human language?

    They spoke English. Don't you know? The official language in WT land.

  • ctrwtf
    Do people still really believe that Adam and Eve were real? Really?
  • xjwsrock

    Ctrwtf - Yes indeed people still believe Adam and Eve were real. It was discussed very seriously at the memorial this year.

    "How appreciative we should be that Jesus died to release us from the sin of Adam."

    Now Lets watch crackers and wine pass around the room and end up back on this table.

    Religion is brilliant...

  • sir82

    lol god had to have created bad to have it to be done.

    At the very least he had to have created the potential for evil. In either case, why would he do such a thing?

    This. When you think about it, Genesis goes down the drain.

    LOL. That's what happens when you have goat-herders develop your script, er, theology - plot holes even bigger than in Interstellar.

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