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Being a born in, I was present when many of these changes happened. At the time, being a naive, gullible person, I just accepted what ever was told me to Believe.
Reading only a small portion of this list, it makes my head spin. Believe what we say this year! It means your everlasting life! Believe what we say now, not last time. It means your everlasting life! The foolishness continues.
One interesting note that got my attention that I wasn't aware of because I was too little (or asleep at the meeting) was in the early 1950's announcing why a person was disfellowedshiped. It said the announcement was important in the case of fraud, so that the congo would be aware and not be swindled themselves??? Not one person was ever DF in my area for fraud. It didn't say to announce people for adultery though maybe it did in the whole article this came from, not the snippet that was printed.
I was traumatized for decades because in the large metropolitan city I was from, in seemed like it was almost every Thursday meeting, someone was announced for being DF, almost always for adultery. The anouncement would be for anyone DF in the Circuit not just your own congo. There was a lot of adultery going on, and other abuses but recalling who was sleeping around with whom, many had prominant positions, even being the ones to announce The Fallen One. Now thinking back, maybe I was traumatized because who I knew should be DF but weren't and if they were, how would this affect my life? Would someone think I was the one who told? If so, what would they do to me?