In Watchtower theology, Jesus is the most outstanding member of God's organization, but still a member. The organization is still greater in this mindset.
JW's and the forgotten Jesus
by LevelThePlayingField 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What punkofnice said.
In the end, I believe most people will realize that one invisible bearded sky man--whether he be the daddy or the son--is just as imaginary as all the rest.
No religion is superior to the other in terms of accuracy of doctrine.
That is the real truth--it may be scary to accept it, but it's actually quite freeing and centering. Not scary at all.
Very brave to go around down-voting comments but not saying who you are or why you down-voted it. And I'm not just speaking for myself. I've noticed a lot of down-votes on this site on random people's posts that are completely non-controversial. Why all the hate?
I counted at least 90 times ,looking at your link where you specifically asked ",Where is Jesus " ? in your comments of the WT study articles.
The Christian Greek Scriptures / New Testament is all about '"witnessing" about Jesus , not Jehovah.,and you are right in pointing that out time and time again.
Jehovah's Witnesses View of Jesus Compared to the Early Church...
It goes deeper than what we are actually seeing or hearing.
Jesus is the only way to the Father.
Jesus' name is the ONLY one that can save a person.
Jesus' suffered so we can put faith in Him.
Jesus' suffered so we would become His witnesses, and servants.
If JW's don't have Jesus in any of these ways and are only his "footstep" followers than they become no different than someone who is a "footstep" follower of Satan. They are merely following someone but have no significant vested interest in Him.
JW's have been, and continue to be, deliberately alienated from Jesus in order to be Satan's followers by default. No Jesus, No God. Magazine after magazine, tract after tract, book after book, speech after speech, video after video, and assembly after assembly, they reinforce this alienation and supplant it with loyalty to the Org/Jehovah. And like the OP noted, you have a very, very tiny lot where Jesus is actually mentioned. And I believe this is only because Jesus is actually part of prayer and has to be mentioned when some scriptures are read or his role is mentioned.
The Org compliments and seals this rejection by making sure 99.9% of members deliberately reject His body and blood at each Memorial/Passover.
The Org has deliberately changed the word "worship" to "obeisance" in the bible to further take away Jesus' powerful role.
Anyone that carefully reads their sh** bible can see how, when scripture touches on anything relating to Jesus, they have changed the sentence structure to a point where the reader can easily lose the point of the passage. Let me give you an example from their bible and then one from the NRSV:
(Acts 4:18) . . . With that they called them and ordered them not to say anything at all or to teach on the basis of the name of Jesus. (NWT)(Acts 4:18) . . . So they called them and ordered them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. (NRSV)
Do you notice how they use filler words unnecessarily and in a roundabout way finally make the point of the passage?
This is just a very small part of the puzzle.
I don't doubt that the Org is purposely serving Satan as Jehovah by replacing themselves as Jesus, mankind's only savior for their own need of power and worship which is what Satan ultimately wanted from Christ.
Another interesting point is their stand on blood transfusions. Remember what Christ said? "Learn what this means: "I desire mercy, not sacrifice.""
Christ complimented this by giving the illustration of the fallen sheep. Now ask yourself, if Jesus was willing to break the Sabbath in order to save a sheep, not a human, a sheep, and purposely incur the wrath of God, wouldn't it make sense that accepting a transfusion to save a human life and thereby breaking the most sacred Law in the Mosaic and risking the wrath of God, would be acceptable in Christ's eyes? Yes!
So why does the Org completely overlook this life-saving lesson?
Simple. What does Satan want? Where do Satanists draw their power from? Blood!
So yes, every death is a sacrifice to Satan. I know it sounds weird if not hard to believe, but if you put everything together, all the evidence, that's where it points to.
So how do all those friends experience all those wonderful miracles and "blessings from Jehovah?" Yes, Satan continues to "transform himself into an angel of light".
That gidly feeling the friends get when at the KH is not the spirit of Christ but of Satan.
And if Jesus is Jehovah (still researching but evidence points to this), then it certainly makes sense that the friends have given their back completely on God and are worshiping a name not found in the NT instead of the true savior in Christ.
The rabbit hole is pretty deep. Yes, indeed.