One rule for us another for them. They certainly caused divisions in congregations there is absolutely no doubt about that. But they blame others for doubting the safety of the vaccines. If you doubt the safety of the vaccines you are causing division according to them.
New website -Testimonies on the adverse events of anti Covid-19 vaccination campaigns among Jehovah's Witnesses.
by was a new boy 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Which video had splane say something along the lines that Jehovah directed them to encourage taking the vaccine?
What Splain said was “it comes down to this, do you believe Jehovah is directing this organisation or not?”
then he said something about following direction and to take the vaccine but I would love to see the video clip for actual wording
and David Splain saying “you may wonder and ask what do these brothers know about vaccines, wrong question. The right question is what does Jehovah know”
has anyone got this compilation video as I can’t find it now?
This should do it!
The U turn has only been announced to COs and Elders so far.
Rank and file still think the direction is keep fully vaccinated which means keep getting your boosters
thete needs to be an announcement about the sun turn for everyone
Very interesting. I know JWs who were all in favour of vaccines at the start who now say they won’t take any more. There were a few deaths and strokes in the congregation close to taking the vaccines.
Thanks Freeorange