LoL. Where did you find these definitions of Liberalism and Conservatism? Salon Magazine?
Is the Jesus of religion conservative, and the Jesus of the New Testament liberal?
by Fernando 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
...or are you really Bernie Sanders disguised as Fernando?
Conservative Jesus:
Liberal Jesus:
The message of Jesus of Nazareth certainly seems very misaligned from conservative politics. I don't comprehend how many in the US who claim to follow Jesus and his message marry the two. It seems fundamentally incompatible.
LOL Sanchy, Bernie Sanders...
A 2013 survey by the Barna group found that 86% of Christians in the USA have attitudes and/or actions that are more like the Pharisees (conservative) than like Jesus (liberal).
In the book "Spirit Level" researchers Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett show significant correlation between the level of income inequality and health/social problems or dysfunction when comparing countries and states.
On one chart of 20 leading nations, the USA (which by some estimates has around 60% church attendance) has the highest inequality and dysfunction. On the same chart Norway (which by some estimates has around 3% church attendance) has one of the lowest levels of inequality and dysfunction.
The 3 worst states in the USA?
All in the Bible belt: Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama.
The 4 best states in the USA?
All not in the Bible belt: New Hampshire, Minnesota, North Dakota and Vermont.
More research on the above may be needed but indications are that conservatism fails to deliver what it promises, and is instead very unhealthy.
Sexual abuse of young boys by "celibate" priests is one of many snapshots of this failure.
And what about the pedophilia, rape, and fraud in "God's clean organization", all of which our family has personally experienced - firsthand? Oh, and by the way, the perpetrators are at this very moment still serving (themselves) as elders (Pharisees) in good standing with "God's clean organization" as emissaries of the Governing Body (Sanhedrin or council of Popes).
A 2013 survey by the Barna group found that 86% of Christians in the USA have attitudes and/or actions that are more like the Pharisees (conservative) than like Jesus (liberal).
..and here we see your real motives. If your point was to criticize American conservatism and religious involvement as well as the American culture/economic system, just come out and do so.
I don't know where you live, but if its the case that you live here, and you dislike it so much, then perhaps you should either involve yourself in politics and try to effect change, or leave it and move to Norway.
America has become a great power doing what America does, and America likes it. Looking back in history and no matter how much you extreme leftists try to deny it, America, although imperfect, has been very good at raising the standards of living, spreading democracy, and increasing innovation wildly.
I am now officially non-religious, yet I can admit conservatism has ideas that do make sense, as does the left. I wish we would all stop having to fall under the classification of one group or the other, always dividing each other up.
I've often thought that the right-wing "conservatizing" of the somewhat liberal Jesus was one of the weirder aspects of Evangelicalism.
Seeing so many Pharisees among Jehovah's Witnesses is probably the biggest factor that helped me leave. I could see how the entire philosophy of the governing body encouraged such harsh, cold thinking in both the leadership and rank and file.
Jesus would compare more to the liberal side of things, in my estimation. He had a very generous, helpful attitude towards the poor and the unfortunate. He spoke of how things would be in an ideal world, but understood that earth was not an ideal world, so it was fruitless and cruel to impose harsh, black and white standards on very imperfect people. He never mentioned homosexuality. He made concessions for many things. He chose his battles and he stood up, when it was important, and made a huge stand. He fed the poor, healed the poor, ministered to the poor, never asking for money or insurance cards. He cleared the temple of greedy hypocrites who sought to make money off other people's limitations and hardships. He spoke out , exposing religious oppression.
I agree with Kris, if Jesus was to come down today, they'd nail him again. How anyone can read the Gospels and then dream he would support the GOP, escapes me.