What exactly IS 1914 these days?

by Halcon 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Halcon

    It's no longer a year tying to the present (the old pre-1995 generation belief). Realistically, that's the only reason why it mattered.

    And if it doesn't really matter what it is anymore, why would JW not do away with it?

  • Vanderhoven7

    Watchtower can not get rid of 1914. Too much of their unique extra-biblical theology is built on this date.

    Jesus was enthroned in 1914, Christendom was rejected in 1918, the apostles were raised to heavenly life in 1918 and the Faithful Slave (Watchtower directors) was appointed at Brooklyn headquarters in 1919.

    If 1914 goes, so does GB authority.

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  • iloowy.goowy

    Because their supposed spiritual aurhority hangs on the related date of 1919. If there is no invisible return in 1914 then there is no inspection and being chosen as the FDS in 1919, and so they would not be in charge of the 0rganization.

    ...edited to say I just saw Vanderhoven7 beat me to the answer. Kudos!

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  • Mikejw

    No they haven’t yet had new light on 1914.

    They still believe Jesus was invisibly enthroned as king in 1914. He has been ruling as king for 110 years now according to official JW doctrine. It all comes from a butchering of Millers ravings of a madman the 77 week prophecy from 607bce which is now known to be wrong.

    Everything stems from 1914, they say God chose those men to be his spokesmen on earth 3.5 years later but they say 1919 so the maths don’t add up.

    They haven’t ever said new light in these things and they still teach them at the big schools like gilead and SKE.

    Its going to be difficult for them but it’s also going to be unavoidable to admit they were wrong all these years.

    maybe the current elderly GB hope they won’t have to deal with it in their lifetimes.

    this may be why one of the two new younger members admitted that he didn’t want to be GB when they first asked him but then he later relented and said yes.

    he knew he would have to be in the GB in his lifetime they will have to deal with the 1914 problems and not have millions of JWs realise it’s just a man made organisation

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  • Mikejw

    The biggest lie of all to do with 1914 was that Jesus is actually Michael the archangel who battled with Satan and his demons in 1914. This supposedly happened 110 years ago and Jesus threw them down to earth. This was what explains WW1. Seemed like a good doctrine at the time.

    The unanswered questions are what explains all the war and suffering before 1914 before Satans battle in heaven early 1914?

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  • sloppyjoe2

    1914 is the date most important to Jehovah's Witnesses. The only people who have a problem with 1914 are ExJWs. There is zero incentive to do away with 1914. Every JW accepts it as it as and accepts the generations teaching as it is.

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  • markweatherill
    What exactly is 1914? It's the kingdom hall burglar alarm code, and how did you find out?
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  • Vanderhoven7

    Hey, three generations can overlap so no problem with 1914 there.

    And don't forget the tree cut down and the seven year 1914 kingdom restoration proof.

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  • Halcon
    VH-Jesus was enthroned in 1914, Christendom was rejected in 1918, the apostles were raised to heavenly life in 1918 and the Faithful Slave (Watchtower directors) was appointed at Brooklyn headquarters in 1919.
    If 1914 goes, so does GB authority

    Then perhaps the generation theory attached to 1914 could be entirely removed? If so, would that truly be a big deal?

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  • Mikejw
    Then perhaps the generation theory attached to 1914 could be entirely removed? If so, would that truly be a big deal?

    Yes it would mean no more sense of urgency. The end is right around the corner. We are in the final part of the final part shortly before the day and all that.

    If they do away with 1914 then how do they keep the sense of urgency?

    They say the last of the first part of the overlapping generation died in the 1990s. So actually anyone who overlaps them could be part of the overlapping generation. These ones maybe in the 30s now so plenty of time before they are forced to come up with more new light.

    Another 50 - 60 years or so the last of the overlapers will be dead and all they need to do is come up with a third overlapping generation new light doctrine.

    Anyone stupid enough to believe David Splain and his stick explaining the overlapping new light would be stupid enough to believe three overlapping generations new light.

    Jesus sure is patient sitting on his throne for so long but think of all those babies that have been born and have a chance to hear David Splain pointing his stick on the overlapping charts:wink:

    Of course this won’t apply anymore once Armageddon actually comes, then we will forget about waiting for more babies to be born

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