This is a quote from the special talk from 'Undisfellowshiped'. "WE, yes WE are going to see the FULFILLMENT of the destruction of the 'Man of Lawlessness'!" Please, can anyone fill me in on the details surrounding and regarding this? By the way, please read the thread about the special talk, it's crazy! The WTBTS extremist tactics have never changed, even now. be wise.
SPECIAL TALK - 'Man of Lawlessness'
by be wise 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
The Man of Lawlessness is defined by the WTS as the Clery of Christendom, so "he" a composite group, gets destroyed when Babylon The Great goes down.
be wise
Doesn't this just get you excited.
I mean, the WTS never make statements before they happen, that don't come true.
There is a man of lawlessness. He is the anti christ. in the end times the old roman empire will arise. With Europe uniting and euro money we can see it happening. Babylon is to rise again. Sadam started to rebuild babylon so now iraq will have the means to rebuild and become a commercial empire with their oil. the anti christ will bring peace to world and even let jews rebuild their temple. jews believe he is messiah. the anti christ will betray the jews and go in temple declare he is god. this brings about armagaddon and king of the north (russia) will march towards israel and china will join and armies of the world will march on israel. Then JESUS will come back where mount of olives is to save jews and destroy israels enemies.
: There is a man of lawlessness. He is the anti christ. in the end times the old roman empire will arise. With Europe uniting and euro money we can see it happening. Babylon is to rise again. Sadam started to rebuild babylon so now iraq will have the means to rebuild and become a commercial empire with their oil. the anti christ will bring peace to world and even let jews rebuild their temple. jews believe he is messiah. the anti christ will betray the jews and go in temple declare he is god. this brings about armagaddon and king of the north (russia) will march towards israel and china will join and armies of the world will march on israel. Then JESUS will come back where mount of olives is to save jews and destroy israels enemies. What a pile of crap. Farkel
"We will see the fulfillment of the destruction of the man of lawlessness!"
You mean the WTS and the Governing Body will finally go down? Woo hoo.
yucca, why could a deity be concerned with a line drawn in the sand?
the mole
***the mole*** I had to respond to what some seem to be outrages. But in truth it is that kind of stuff we are told in our kingdom halls all the time. I could have not quoted or said best of the doctrine we read, make Talks in front of everyone,and preach it very subtle at the doorstep so not to offend; however, once in the circle and baptised this idea is more or less what they really believe and I have been trying to tell everyone in the Silent Lambs site and this one also.
It took me years to see what they have done to me and my family. Every assembly that i have been too it shows Demonstrations( Plays) in front of the crowd of 10,000 on subjects of self sacrifice, not so much of God, but that one another only should they associate with and all others are the enemy until converted. It's a us against them attitude, this is why this site exist. Those who also see this quote know it is in one way or another, this is the truth to the majority of Jehovah's Witnessess.***the mole***
the mole
***the mole*** I forgot to thank yucca and farkel...
Jesus will come back to destroy evil in the world and save the ones coming put of the tribulation who believe in him and a remnant of jewish believers and to usher in his thousand year reign. If u read zechariah chapter 14 tells about the day of the lord.The antichrist sets himself up in temple. read daniel 9:27,matthew 24:15,16, 2 thessalonians 2:4. if u dont believe in bible its your choice