Do You Support Nancy Pelosi and The Democrats Way of Working On The Coronavirus?

by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Kudos to Schumer and the democrats for hanging tough and extracting concessions that block fat-cat corporate executives from stock buybacks, executive bonuses and shenanigans from Trump family members.

  • tiki

    The current administration is driven by corporate greed. There is no concern for the average citizen, the ones who work to support themselves and their families and who are systematically raped by pharmaceuticals, ridiculous health insurance premiums and escalating consumer costs.

    The response to the pandemic has been slow and the CDC has been facing hurdles stymying their efforts.

    Liberal means live and let live...respect the lives of others. Treat people with dignity and allow them their freedom to live the best life they can. It has nothing to do with stupidity or ignorance. Social programs should be there to protect the disenfranchised...and we all should be concerned with the ecology and ensuring a safe healthy environment now and future. And women's health issues are a personal matter...not political.

  • Simon

    Things the dems are holding up emergency funding for, these are things they tried to pad the emergency funding bill with (pure "pork"):

    $4b for museums

    $600m for the National Endowment of the Arts

    $600m for the IRS

    $33m for new NOAA facilities

    $25m for the Kennedy Centre

    $300m for "migration and refugee assistance"

    $300m for the Corporation for public broadcasting

    $500m for the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

    $23m for Howard university

    $36m for the National Center for Advanced Translation Services

    $7m for a single, specific school

    $1m for the sergeant at arms and doorkeeper of the senate

    And more - funding for new "oversight committees", Wifi hotspots, support for Planned Parenthood and all manner of other things that you would struggle to link to a pandemic outbreak but pad government, reward their backers and can be used to promote their ideologies.

    Slush funds that they can use and direct.

  • caves

    Tiki-The current administration is driven by corporate greed.

    The response to the pandemic has been slow and the CDC has been facing hurdles stymying their efforts.

    My personal favorite- Liberal means live and let live...respect the lives of others. Treat people with dignity and allow them their freedom to live the best life they can. It has nothing to do with stupidity or ignorance.

    "Government" is driven by corporate greed. What an ignorant statement.

    CDC, would have faced these hurdles no matter what administration.

    Liberal means live and let live? Really?

    No. It mean do as we say not as we do. It means if you don't agree with us you are a part of the problem "we liberals" created. It means we want you to fit inside labeled boxes and if you don't we will force you on the streets (but give you places to shoot up for free) because that "our" version of "helping". It means using the word tolerance itself as a double bind "we liberals created" to vilify anyone that doesn't agree with it. It means that liberals are hypocrites that scream the loudest.

    It means that 'I'll just take these herbal cures and snake oil prescriptions by an untrained 'herbalist" to cure my breast cancer". "But when my titty falls off, I wont be able to understand why the herbal treatment over proven science didn't work". Then will rush to the doctor and use all the modern medicine to get rid of the cancer. Touting how herbs cured it. "hypocrite".

    It means customers paying for plastic bags at the store in the name of "Protecting the environment" and getting government kickbacks because of it. Then vilifying those that go ahead and use them, like you do. While using those 'Kickbacks' to line your pocket. Then throwing those plastic bags away that end up in the ocean anyway.

    I could go on and on and on.


    As far as Pelosi, she just exposed herself in a way the public will not forget. She's held up the Senate for the "liberal agenda" yet again. Wasting precious time during a pandemic costing lives. Yet she advances she's for the people. She is now translucent! When minutes and lives mattered she showed that she could not be trusted in the most acute of times. All the things that she tried to sneak in the bill could and should have been addressed at another time. Not during a global pandemic affecting the world wide economy.

    So how is that "live and let live"? Its not.

  • betterdaze
    So how is that "live and let live"? Its not.

    It's "rule or ruin." Remember this?

    Anything Leftist elites cannot control, they seek to destroy.

    And they are determined take everything and everyone down around them.

  • minimus

    Caves, excellent response!!!

    These liberals just don’t get it. This is really about Coronavirus. I’m disgusted with Pelosi and her followers.πŸ‘ŽπŸΏπŸ‘ŽπŸΏπŸ‘ŽπŸΏπŸ‘ŽπŸΏ

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Yes it was awful how the CDC warn trump administration months ago and trump chose to do nothing. He was so scared he will not get reelected he decided to do nothing. Bad CDC bad. You guys make me laugh at you lunacy. Enjoy your childish comebacks on how bad Democrats are. Still Totally ADD

  • Still Totally ADD
  • wannabefree

    Hell Yeah!

  • RubaDub

    I will be in the minority here, but this is, IMO, the time to have George W. or Bush the Elder or even Obama as President instead of the lightning rod we currently have.

    Personally, if Bush the Elder was 20 years younger, he would be a much better leader in a crisis.

    Rub a Dub

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