Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 4-2-17 WT Study (January 2017)(ENTRUST)

by blondie 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie



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    OPENING COMMENTS: Is it that older elders are not training younger brothers because

    they don’t think them qualified or that older elders are afraid they will be dumped by

    the wayside as they have seen long-time male Bethelites and circuit overseers? Or they

    have tried and seen the younger brothers don’t take their assignments very seriously?

    An older brother comments at a meeting, makes a shepherding call with a younger brother, and listens to a comment from a younger elder

    “These Things Entrust to Faithful Men”

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    “These Things Entrust to Faithful Men”

    “These things entrust to faithful men, who, in turn, will be adequately qualified to teach others.”—2 TIM. 2:2.

    SONGS: 103, 101


    • How did King David respond when told that his son would build God’s temple?

    • Why should older ones help younger ones to take on increased responsibility?

    • How can younger men demonstrate a proper attitude as they take on the work of older brothers?

      1, 2. How do many people view their work?

      PEOPLE often define themselves by the work they do. To many, a job or position determines a person’s self-worth. In some cultures, when getting to know another person, one of the first questions asked is, “What kind of work do you do?”


      With jws the first question is designed to find out your status in the congregation, or “privileges” you have or your family has.

      2 The Bible sometimes describes people by the work they did. It speaks of “Matthew the tax collector”; “Simon, a tanner”; and “Luke, the beloved physician.” (Matt. 10:3; Acts 10:6; Col. 4:14) Spiritual assignments or privileges also identify people. We read of King David, the prophet Elijah, and the apostle Paul. These men valued their God-given assignments. If we have privileges of service, we likewise should value them.


      Note: no one wants to know what work a sister does, properly it should be taking care of their husband and any children, menial tasks. Not the prophetess Anna, or

      4 Now Debʹo·rah, a prophetess,+ the wife of Lapʹpi·doth, was judging Israel at that time.

      3. Why is there a need for older ones to train younger ones? (See opening picture.)

      3 Many of us love the work we do and would like to continue doing it indefinitely. Sadly, though, from the days of Adam, each generation grows old and is replaced by another. (Eccl. 1:4) In recent times, this transition has presented unique challenges for true Christians. The work of Jehovah’s people has grown in scope and complexity. As we tackle new projects, new ways of doing things are adopted—often ways that involve the use of rapidly changing technology. Some older ones may find it hard to keep pace with these advances. (Luke 5:39) Even when that is not the case, younger ones may have greater strength and energy than older ones have. (Prov. 20:29) Thus, it is both loving and practical for older ones to prepare younger ones to take on greater responsibility.—Read Psalm 71:18.


      The real trait not mentioned here is reliability, showing up on time and prepared, having the necessary tools and with them, and following directions not thinking they know better.

      4. Why is it difficult for some to delegate authority? (See the box “ Why Some People Do Not Delegate.”)

      4 Those in positions of authority may not find it easy to delegate to younger ones. Some fear losing a position they cherish. Others worry about losing control, convinced that younger ones cannot do things as well. Some may reason that they do not have time to train someone else. On the other hand, those who are younger must guard against becoming impatient when they are not given more to do.


      What many elders fear, is that when they do train brothers and give them assignments, they show up late if at all, are not prepared, and then an elder or an MS with other duties has to suddenly fill in. That is why elders watch to see how these young men handle the duties they are given. If they aren’t faithful in what is least will they be faithful in what is much? There were some times because the assigned brothers did not show up on time or at all, my husband was doing sound, stage, literature, filling in on a talk at the school, etc. And nothing would be said to the brother who regularly showed up late.

      5. What questions will this article discuss?

      5 Let us discuss this matter of delegating from two angles. First, how can older ones help younger ones take on increased responsibility, and why is this important? (2 Tim. 2:2) Second, why is it important that younger ones keep the right attitude as they assist brothers who are more experienced and learn from them? To begin, let us see how King David equipped his son to take on an important responsibility.


      What did learn from David’s example, that he committed adultery with his mother, had his mother’s first husband killed, did not punish Joab for the murders he committed. Did Solomon’s reign show he imitated his father regarding the Law code.


      6. What did King David want to do, and how did Jehovah respond?

      6 After residing for years as a fugitive, David became king and lived in a comfortable house. Dismayed that there was no “house,” or temple, dedicated to Jehovah, he wanted to build one. So he said to Nathan the prophet: “Here I am living in a house of cedars while the ark of the covenant of Jehovah is under tent cloths.” Nathan replied: “Do whatever is in your heart, for the true God is with you.” However, Jehovah directed otherwise. He told Nathan to tell David: “You are not the one who will build the house for me to dwell in.” Although Jehovah lovingly assured David that He would continue to bless him, God directed that David’s son Solomon build the temple. How did David react?—1 Chron. 17:1-4, 8, 11, 12; 29:1.


      Why was David not allowed to build the temple?

      1 Kings 5:3 --I well know that David my father was not able to build a house for the name of Jehovah his God because of the wars waged against him from every side until Jehovah put his enemies under the soles of his feet.+

      7. How did David react to Jehovah’s direction?

      7 David did not withhold his support, brooding over the prospect that the credit for temple construction would not be his. The building did, in fact, become known as Solomon’s temple, not David’s. While David may have been disappointed that he could not fulfill his heart’s desire, he fully supported the project. He eagerly organized work groups and gathered iron, copper, silver, and gold, as well as cedar timbers. Further, he encouraged Solomon, saying: “Now, my son, may Jehovah be with you, and may you be successful and build the house of Jehovah your God, just as he has spoken concerning you.”—1 Chron. 22:11, 14-16.

      The First of Chronicles

      21 Then Satan* stood up against Israel and incited David to number Israel. 2 So David said to Joʹab+ and the chiefs of the people: “Go, count Israel from Beʹer-sheʹba to Dan; then report to me so that I may know their number.” 3 But Joʹab said: “May Jehovah multiply his people 100 times! My lord the king, are not all of them already servants of my lord? Why does my lord want to do this? Why should he become a cause of guilt to Israel?” 4 But the king’s word prevailed over Joʹab. So Joʹab went out and traveled throughout Israel, after which he came to Jerusalem.

      And Insight, Volume 2 p. 77

      Why did David fail to execute Joab when he murdered Abner, and why did he reappoint Joab as general over the army after he had also murdered Amasa, who had been made general to replace Joab? The Bible does not say. If it was weakness in enforcing God’s law, it may have been because of the strength and influence of Joab and his family in the army. Or there may have been other circumstances that the Bible does not relate. At any rate, it must be remembered that David, though not executing Joab for some reason, whether good or bad, did not forgive him, but he charged Solomon his son and successor to see that Joab paid for his badness.

      8. Why might David have concluded that Solomon was unqualified, but what did he do?

      8 Read 1 Chronicles 22:5. David might have concluded that Solomon was not qualified to oversee such an important project. After all, the temple was to be “exceedingly magnificent,” and Solomon was at the time “young and inexperienced.” Yet, David knew that Jehovah would equip Solomon to handle the work given to him. So David focused on what he could do to assist, preparing materials in great quantity.


      Adding to the bible: “might have”


      An older brother is proud when a younger brother he has trained conducts the Watchtower Study

      It is satisfying to see younger men taking on greater responsibility (See paragraph 9)

      9. How can older ones find satisfaction in handing over responsibilities? Illustrate.

      9 Older brothers should not be disheartened when it becomes necessary to hand their assignments over to younger men. Rather, it is in the best interests of the work when younger ones are trained to handle responsibilities. Appointed men should have great satisfaction when the younger ones whom they have trained become qualified to take on the work. To illustrate, think of a father who teaches his son to drive a car. When he is a child, the son simply observes his father. When the boy is older, the father explains what he is doing. Then, when the boy is of legal age, he begins to drive the car as his father gives him further instruction. Sometimes they may take turns driving, but eventually the son may do most, if not all, of the driving for his aging father. The wise father is pleased to have his son take over and does not feel that he has to be in control. Similarly, older men feel proud when they have trained younger ones to take on theocratic responsibilities.


      So do the older brothers hand over some or all, are the older brothers put on the sidelines? Is it the younger brothers that sideline them? At one point are older brothers considered incapable of “driving”?

      10. How did Moses feel about glory and authority?

      10 As older ones, we must guard against jealousy. Notice how Moses reacted when certain ones in the camp of Israel began behaving as prophets. (Read Numbers 11:24-29.) Joshua, Moses’ assistant, wanted to restrain them. He evidently thought that they were detracting from Moses’ prominence and authority. But Moses replied: “Are you jealous for me? No, I wish that all of Jehovah’s people were prophets and that Jehovah would put his spirit on them!” Moses saw Jehovah’s hand in the matter. Disclaiming honor for himself, Moses expressed his desire that the same spiritual gifts be shared by all of Jehovah’s servants. Like Moses, are we not pleased when others receive privileges that might otherwise have come to us?


      Brothers are encouraged to reach out, that the worth is dependent on their “privileges.” What happens when they are only elders in name? Evidently—another word used to add to the bible. Is there room for promine

      11. What did one brother say about handing over his responsibility?

      11 Today, there are many examples of brothers who have worked energetically for decades and who have prepared others to take on increased responsibility. For example, a brother named Peter served for more than 74 years in the full-time service, 35 of these at a branch office in Europe. Until recently, he was the overseer of the Service Department. Now Paul, a younger man who had worked alongside Peter for several years, cares for that responsibility. When Peter was asked how he felt about his change of assignment, he replied, “I am so pleased that there are brothers who have been trained to accept greater responsibility and who are doing so well in caring for the work.”


      No longer energetic, older….but they follow through on their assignments not like the younger brothers that are late, do not put their assignments ahead of secular things. Do brothers perform assignments for the good of the congregation and to honor god or to seek good for themselves?


      12. What lesson should we learn from the Bible account of Rehoboam?

      12 After Solomon died, his son Rehoboam became king. When Rehoboam needed advice on how to handle his responsibilities, he first asked the older men. But he rejected their advice! Instead, he took the advice of the younger men with whom he had grown up and who were now his attendants. The results were disastrous. (2 Chron. 10:6-11, 19) The lesson? It is wise to seek and consider carefully the advice of older, experienced ones. Though younger ones should not feel shackled to past ways of doing things, they should not be quick to dismiss the counsel of older ones.


      If older brothers are removed for all but ceremonial assignments why would younger men see them as sources of good advice? Who decides what is the best way, new or old? Where is the balance in what the WTS says, where is the direction of specific examples?

      13. How should younger ones cooperate with older ones?

      13 Some younger ones may now be coordinating activities that include older brothers. Though such younger ones have a changed role, they would do well to benefit from the wisdom and experience of older ones before making decisions. Paul, mentioned earlier, who replaced Peter as the overseer of a Bethel department, said, “I took time to seek out the advice of Peter, and I encouraged others in the department to do the same.”


      So younger should check with older BEFORE making decisions? Perhaps the elders in the field have been ignoring the advice of the older brothers in the GB.

      14. What do we learn from the cooperation between Timothy and the apostle Paul?

      14 Timothy, a younger man, worked alongside the apostle Paul for many years. (Read Philippians 2:20-22.) Paul had written to the Corinthians: “I am sending Timothy to you, because he is my beloved and faithful child in the Lord. He will remind you of my methods in connection with Christ Jesus, just as I am teaching everywhere in every congregation.” (1 Cor. 4:17) This brief statement points to the close cooperation between Paul and Timothy. Paul had taken time to teach Timothy his “methods in connection with Christ.” Timothy learned well and had won Paul’s affection, and Paul was confident that Timothy could care for the spiritual needs of those in Corinth. What a fine example for elders to imitate today as they train other men to take the lead in the congregation!


      So while older, Paul’s teaching was what Timothy should follow. Evidently Paul was not quite old enough to put on the sidelines.


      15. How should Paul’s counsel to Christians in Rome help us when we are affected by change?

      15 We live in exciting times. The earthly part of Jehovah’s organization is growing in many ways, but growth necessitates change. As changes affect us personally, may we be humble, keeping an eye on Jehovah’s interests and not on our own. Doing so promotes unity. To Christians in Rome, Paul wrote: “I tell everyone there among you not to think more of himself than it is necessary to think, but to think so as to have a sound mind, each one as God has given to him a measure of faith. For just as we have in one body many members, but the members do not all have the same function, so we, although many, are one body in union with Christ.”—Rom. 12:3-5.


      So is it exciting to visit congregations with few elders, and especially few MS, because they don’t want the grunt work. Who thinks more of himself….men…women are nothing more than preachers of the good news, not a valued privilege.

      16. What might older ones and younger ones, as well as their wives, do to help maintain the peace and unity of Jehovah’s organization?

      16 Whatever our circumstances, then, let all of us work to further the interests of Jehovah’s magnificent Kingdom. You older ones, equip younger ones to do what you do. You younger brothers, accept responsibility, be modest, and maintain a respectful attitude toward the older ones. And you wives, imitate Aquila’s wife, Priscilla, who accompanied and supported Aquila faithfully as their circumstances changed.—Acts 18:2.


      Yes, whatever your “circumstances” as judged by the WTS, Cos, elders, mature women, yes, and you sisters are complaining too much about losing your secondhand status because your husbands have been put on the sidelines.

      17. What confidence did Jesus have in his disciples, and for what did he train them?

      17 In the matter of training others to take on increased responsibility, there is no better example than that of Jesus. He knew that his earthly ministry would come to an end and that others would carry on his work. Though his disciples were imperfect, he had confidence in them and told them that they would do works greater than he did. (John 14:12) He trained them thoroughly, and they spread the good news throughout the then-known world.—Col. 1:23.


      Yes, Jesus knew his life on earth would end soon, no 70 to 80 years on earth for him.

      18. What prospects lie ahead, and what can we do now?

      18 After his sacrificial death, Jesus was resurrected to heaven where he was given more work to do with authority “far above every government and authority and power and lordship.” (Eph. 1:19-21) If we die faithful before Armageddon, we will be resurrected into a righteous new world, where there will be plenty of satisfying work for us to do. Now, though, there is vitally important work that all of us can participate in—preaching the good news and making disciples. May all of us, young or old, keep on “having plenty to do in the work of the Lord.”—1 Cor. 15:58.


      If we die faithful before Armageddon, we will be resurrected….so what does faithful mean…not df’d, not da’d, not even inactive?

      By this article, I do believe that the local elders, young or old, are not cooperating with the GB enough. That they are passively doing the opposite. That the real problem is not that older elders are not training younger brothers, but rather the younger men want nothing to do with the workload of crap assignments.

      In one congregation, there were not enough younger brothers to handle accounts, sound, stage, literature, magazines, territories, hall maintenance, etc. The elders wanted to have sisters handle some of this, but the CO said absolutely not, if no brothers qualified then the elders would have to do it. The elders felt those assignments were below them.



      They fear that they will not get credit for what is done.

      However, all credit belongs to Jehovah.—Ps. 115:1.


      They do not want to give up work that they enjoy.

      However, there is joy in training others.—Acts 20:35.


      They fear that the work will not be done properly.

      However, God can help others to do the work.—Ps. 37:5.


      They do not want to lose control of an assignment.

      However, it is best to acknowledge that Jehovah is in control.—Isa. 45:6, 7.


      They think that they do not have time to train others.

      However, training others saves time in the long run.—Eph. 5:15, 16.

      Love, Blondie

  • truth_b_known

    Your reward for being competent with "privileges"(i.e. work) is more "privileges."

    I served faithfully from the age of 19 to 26 as a Ministerial Servant. I had every privilege that could be given to a brother who is not an elder.

    When I moved I remember being asked: "How are you being used in your new congregation?" Used. Used is a great term. That's exactly how I felt. I felt that when the organization was done with me they crushed me like an empty beer can and threw me over their collective shoulder.

    I have no doubt that the current generation wants nothing to do with "privileges". They seek balance between work and leisure. Being a Witness is about giving up your ability to find joy in life for a make believe life in a new world.

  • All or nothing
    All or nothing

    When I saw this article, when we just recently had one very similar not that long ago, I agreed with your final comments about the younger ones not stepping up... They see how miserable these old school elders are and want nothing to do with it...

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    The younger males ones don't want the grunt work. The Witchtower Bable and Trick Society doesn't come out and say that so they want elders to pull, push, and shove the young males to force them to become ministerial servants and then after their slavehood to become an elder. It is the same principle to shame the youth to get baptized, so later on, they will have second thoughts about leaving the witnesses when their brains start to think.

    Sour Grapes

  • waton

    thank you blondie for your input, every congregation is different though. Here, there are younger ones, even long time servants with odd issues, that are seething to get the appointment. but entrenched brothers think that they are indispensable. Surprise would await them, because the arrangement might flourish, spring flower like with their departure.

  • WTWizard

    Moses? Tyrant David? Solomon? Why are they comparing us today with an ancient nation that may or may not have even been real (or part real) and is out of date either way? The purpose of all the blessings in that time has been fulfilled (we are on the cusp of global enslavement), so why would joke-hova even need to give a f*** about any one individual? So, why would anyone even want to continue doing this damnation work, let alone someone that has the potential to live another 50 or 60 years without genuine science (that is not tied down)? Or that has the potential to end up in the gulags for thinking? That is the end reward--for sure, not something any thinking young person wants to work for.

    And, anyone that actually thinks this is a fine work needs to get the fluoride out of their water, the monosodium glutamate and aspartame out of their food, and start taking more vitamins. And read more online, even if they do not agree with what they read. Learn to think! They really need to learn to think, or they are going to be dumbed right down into the gulags. It is not a fine work to tie in with a religion that promotes communism. It is not a fine work to do missions that expose the entire world to black magic by placing littera-trash into the hands of rabbis that are entrusted to enslave the world. It is not a fine work to lead people to their own damnation by making them live miserable now and forgo real spirituality into the future.

    I hope the young people being hit up on to do this damnation work do a lousy job. I hope they simply blow off assignments, bork everything, and end up accomplishing nothing but wasting all the washtowel money. As for these stupid missions, I hope they end up ruined. Hopefully, this Israel mission coming up this May and June is a complete flop, and it has to be cancelled or that it simply has such low turnout that no one even hears of it.

  • steve2

    This is one of the dismal signs of an organization whose membership is aging. It is not a sign of an organization on the edge of the expectation that the end is so very close.

    We are seeing successive generations of JWs growing old and dying, with the long anticipated end of this system of things no closer in sight than it was multiple decades ago.

    So, the need to train younger men to step into the shoes of older men is a problem that needs to be solved. It is an indirect way of saying, The end of this system has not occurred but the end of older men's usefulness has occurred.

  • waton

    wt is guilty of stymying the progress of the young by the programs the top forces on the ww "brotherhood". The bright local offspring that is doing wonders in advanced studies in high school and college, are still basically doing repeat bible readings, rote parts in the meetings. while the bullying boring old fogies drone on and on, week after week. makes you weak.

  • ttdtt

    Case of the Blind teaching the Blind.

  • Gorbatchov

    Answers were given by sisters, Elders had faces like the cat who just eated Tweety... 😎


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