What do you all think?
Should the "Fire Hero" of Abilene, TX have been arrested?
by LDH 13 Replies latest jw friends
Well if he had a warrant, and didn't take care of it, you gotta pay the piper. You can't make exceptions for one person, over another, regaurdless, if he's a hero or not. If you do that, you'll end up with chaos, and laws that don't mean anything. However, the judge does have the power to be lienant in this case, however you can't skip the steps in the process.
Apparently he's had new charges pressed against him- He's accused of starting that fire!
Been there
That's a good one LDH,
I'm a black or white thinker so gray areas like this send my mind to smokin if I think about it too hard.
He wasn't in prison, and he had 4 yrs. probation, so they saw him as a kid that could be set on the right path with some supervision. On the other hand, he had an obligation and responsibility to carry out, which he was choosing not to do. He chose that punishment as a plea bargain and should have been carrying it out. He is wrong by not doing that. Now............................
He put himself in great danger of death to save the lives of 4 children. That takes someone very special, to not only once but twice go into a raging fire. Debt to society?, "PAID IN FULL". Let the judge get the paper work done, punishment, time served. Go and sin no more my son.
Apparently he's had new charges pressed against him- He's accused of starting that fire!
Same thing I heard on the news, and I live in TX, so I will let you all know what the evidence has to say.
He would be a hero, but if he started the fire, he endangerd the lives of the ppl in the place where he started the fire, and IMHO he should be charged with more as far as the law is concerned.
If he didn't start the fire, well, I have no comment untill the facts are evident.
I saw on the news last night that there has surfaced video of this same guy from a previous fire...carrying out a child. Sounds like an arsonist/hero thing going on to me. If you can't be in the right place at the right time you have to 'create' the scenario for you to become a hero. Who knows but it looks suspicious.
Well, I say "Hell, yeah!" even without having heard that he may have actually started the fire.
I have a nephew who has been in an out of jail several times for crimes ranging from petty theft to drug dealing to assault. He got 4-12 for the drug dealing and was out in 4 but with the condition that he be on parole for the remaining 8 years of the original sentence. He, too, thinks he's "not like that, it isn't [him]", and sees himself as a good guy. He's not a good guy. He's deluding himself. He's a manipulator.
My alarms went off with this guy as being the same type BEFORE I heard the allegation that he's consciously been MAKING himself a hero by committing arson. My nephew also spends time winning people's trust and admiration and then betrays them.
It's not really hard to report to one's parole officer. It's a lot less complicated than planning arson, for example.
out (of the recently 'played' by her nephew [again!] -- -- and giving no quarter class)
I hear he's one of several suspects they are looking into regarding the cause of the fire. I don't know if he did it, but that's happened before. I remember hearing the story about the fireman somewhere who started fires and then was always conveniently nearby to save the day.
Not arrested. Just shot on the spot.