There's lots of "a watcher" around. When people need saving, you can bet that they are there... watching.
Just got back from Field Service
by biblexaminer 44 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Poor kid....
Brokeback Watchtower
How cruel people under mind control can be without ever realizing it. Listen to the bullshit spouted out by the morally corrupt Governing Body about what's considered a parents responsibility to raise one child up in mental regulations of a ancient vindictive deity make this man feel he is doing something good according to corporation directives.
I put my hand on the back of that poor 8 year old hoping to console him. To think that a man can do this to his own flesh and blood.
I was reminded of how I was treated as a young boy in the 1960's. My mother was quite hard on my sister and I but I am sure that my folks would not have alllowed us to go with another JW who might have abused us.
But too many JWs have indeed subjected their children to suffer at the hands of sexual predators. I think it begins, unfortunately, with their view of their kids. If any parent is willing to use their kids as a shield, then they, in my opinion, are on the road that takes them to place where they think so little of their kids that they can place them in the hands of a pedophile.
Like the parent who doesn't want to go in service, but will offer their kids as a substitute.
JWS children are many times abused and mistreated in the Kingdom Hall and out, they are certainly the weakest and venerable in JWLand.
I was never afraid to speak up when any parent abused their child in front of me, including jw parents. I turned one sister into the authorities after seeing how she beat her 5 year old daughter in the restroom. She was arrested and investigation led to her losing her 2 children and a non-jw grandparent took over.
I would not do it in front of the parent if possible but after the first grab, I would have put the child on my side away from the parent and would have had the child assist me at the door. Fake pushes of door bells, I would just have the bell harder....
I don't know more than what you have told us, but in my opinion, people who stand by and watch a parent abuse his/her child or spouse and does not speak up becomes part of the problem.
Well, JWs are abusing their children right now Blondie. We are sitting here typing and they are abusing all over the place. How much can we do?
It is abuse to force them to go door to door in the first place and we are powerless to stop it.
What happened today has been going on for a long, long time. It's going on still. It's alright talk about it, but we are both "standing by" right now. my opinion, people who stand by and watch a parent abuse his/her child or spouse and does not speak up becomes part of the problem.
I know you to be a good sort. But when we point fingers, others fingers point back. I hope you didn't mean to say I am part of the problem.
Should I have told Bro B not to force his son to do a door? How long would I last opposing the GB and elders? Should I have grabbed Bro B by the neck and turned his face towards the householder and said "face him" and help the boy?
What exactly should I have done?
My question to you biblexaminer is : How can you be on this site for 16 years and still support the WTB&TS by participating in D2D activity , going to meetings etc.?
This is shameful. A reasonable organization would have rules to protect children from instances like this, and a father should have the guts to protect his children himself even if the organization won't. This is the kind of stuff that can stunt a child's social interactions in the future. How prevalent is this practice? I can't recall a child in FS in my area.
Good point Smiddy, exactly what I noticed when I asked him after the OP why he was still supporting the WTS. Also the first sentence out of his mouth, "there was no way out" was interesting to me, but of course the OP sidestepped the question.