Dr Phil says people do what works for them. As long as I thought I was being taught truth ( because of listening to them to not pay attention to "apostates" ) I thought it was where I should be and didn't want to leave. ( however, in the back of my mind I thought if ever something solid I could bite into that showed them not to teach truth, I would leave ) I didn't look for that something and also there were things I thought they had wrong, but put that in the category of human imperfection) If I had looked, I would have seen. People aren't looking or they would see all the out in your face lies! So I think they don't want to leave. When people do come up to facing the lies, they don't want to believe they have been mislead for years/decades. They don't want to leave, but know they can't go on as before once the scales fall from their lying eyes. You may then have the PIMO who stays put because as Dr Phil says, it works for them. Some have to get out because staying in and playing along doesn't work for them-getting out is what works for them! Getting out worked for me!
"Everyone Wants To Leave"
by NotFormer 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Everyone wishes it was true. Some still hold onto the hope
Both my wife and I deeply wished it was not true, because it was a horrific concept. Killing billions so that some few, who we knew all too well were just ordinary people no more worthy than anyone else. It was such a relief to learn it was all a sick delusion.
Look at it through this analogy: AA cannot help an alcoholic who does not want to reform and live a sober life.
Neither Hassan nor anybody else can change the mind a member of a high-control group who does not want to leave. A family with two teens can have one grow up to enroll in pioneer school, while the other becomes a DF'ed "apostate" attending an evangelical mega-church. Neither will change until they decide they don't like where they are. Arguing about it it and pressuring them not only won't change their mind, it is likely to strengthen their commitments to their chosen paths.
I agree GLT, and I listened to, and watched, a Video from a Psychologist who had worked extensively helping people who did want to leave High Control groups, and she said exactly the same as you.
A wise man said "When the Student is ready, the Teacher shall arrive".
We need to make sure we are equipped thoroughly to be that Teacher, as opportunity arises. It needs to be done with great skill and empathy, along with compassion, or we may do more harm than good.
Also good judgement needs to be exercised, some people are simply not equipped to leave, either emotionally, or in some cases financially, they also may well lack the Social Skills to join the real World of Normal People, and hence will struggle to make new friends, and hence will have no support, having lost all of their "friends" and associates, their Support Network.
But I do feel that as time goes on, we will be able to help many to leave, as you so rightly say, when they are ready.
I wish it were true but sadly the ones I know seem more blinkered and locked into it than ever.. Iain my young day we would have a laugh about things and at the shortcomings of the Society but now they seem to go about in reverential awe of the GB and the WTS .
In the past, I have mentioned my own "aha moment." Each person reacts at their own time, when the crap reaches your mouth and you have to start eating it; or straddling a picket fence until it gets high enough for the pickets to start causing pain in the crotch area, have to pick one side or the other. I took some time, about 10 years to finally realize that I had to either eat crap, or realize that the pain was too much. I was a PIMO, but I could not stay that way and support the lies and get others to join the BORG.
Aha Moment:
- a moment of sudden insight or discovery."it was one of those aha moments, when you know you have to risk it all"
" I was a PIMO, but I could not stay that way and support the lies and get others to join the BORG."
Me too, for some years before I finally woke up and left, I made no real efforts to make Converts, some excellent "Marks" I did not continue to call back on, eventually I stopped F.S altogether, as I could not in all conscience teach the 1914 crap, or defend it of course.
An Elder who had called on me to find out why I, the best real doer of F.S in the Congregation probably, had stopped cold turkey. He promised to call back on me and prove 1914 to me, he never did, says it all.
I am the exception to many rules, and I suspect so many of you are also.
There are some ready to leave if it were not for a family member or several of them. There are PIMO members waiting for "something." There are young ones ready to get away at adulthood.
But so many love the easing of rules because they had no intention of leaving. They are trapped in a mindset. My mother wants to see her children who passed away and will probably never give leaving a thought. My wife just "knows" it's the truth and rejects any efforts I used to make (still occasionally make) to look at what's wrong in Watchtower.