Thanks, Mr. Flipper, for updating us.
Worst Fire in California history
by 3rdgen 49 Replies latest jw friends
road to nowhere
It made the web site finally. "approximately" 427 bros. evacuated, jeez they love their numbers. 2 dead, one with a "non jw" mother. And they had a special assembly and gave some talks for spiritual encouragement! One KH gone, one damaged
They are organizing relief accortding to their site; probably all being provided by locals.
If any of us "in" ones went on our own and took water, food, and stuff we would probably be censured for not following theocratic order.
Thanks, Everyone for your thoughts, videos, and updates. As has been mentioned, the southern part of our state is on fire as well. The air quality is abysmal.
President Trump, Jerry Brown, and the Govenor Elect came to Paradise this morn to access the damage and plan strategies for assistance.
I want to clarify something I said in my OP when I said I hope the KH burns down. I meant that if hundreds of homes and businesses are on fire then I see no reason why the KH should be spared. I did NOT mean ANY harm to come to JW's themselves. Watchtower owns all of the KH's these days, The least they could do is pick up the tab for rebuilding a new Kindumb Haul. It turns out that There are 2 KHs, one destroyed and the other damaged. No angelic protection!
3rdgen -- I think we all understood you meant no harm to humans. The poor JWs will have to come out of pocket to replace their hall and that's sad. I do feel bad for them being burdened with WT's real estate greed and their own personal losses.
Pete Zahut
I want to clarify something I said in my OP when I said I hope the KH burns down. I meant that if hundreds of homes and businesses are on fire then I see no reason why the KH should be spared.
If the Hall hadn't burned the JW's would have spun it as proof that Jehovah's hand was involved and it was an "act of God" that spared them.
Thankfully l'm sure they had fire insurance but come to think of it there may not be coverage for this disaster because ironically forest fires may be considered an "act of God" as well
days of future passed
If any of us "in" ones went on our own and took water, food, and stuff we would probably be censured for not following theocratic order. RTN
How true. They want to be the ones that get the glory. Too bad, with no where to go and people camping in parking lots, they could have donated the assembly profits to help out the displaced.
But that would have made the GB's pockets cry.
"Acts of God" -- unanticipated event type of thing but depends on what the insurance policy contract says. Should cover -- who would have policy in northern California without good fire insurance. WT is too savvy (their independent legal) to be that stupid.
Pete Zahut
who would have policy in northern California without good fire insurance.WT is too savvy (their independent legal) to be that stupid.
You're right....I think I heard that there may be Watchtower held "group insurance" for the Kingdom Halls.
Other than for liability coverage, I think Fire is almost the main purpose for having commercial property insurance.
The org does not buy commercial insurance. They self insure
Yes - fire/flood would pretty much be necessary and they'll profit in the end, probably.