How long before we see a Bro. wearing one of THESE ??
by Phizzy 13 Replies latest social humour
I doubt this, in Pic. above, will happen in the USA but maybe in Europe ?
I remember, well over 30 years in our Congo. a Bro. started wearing one, along with slightly long hair, he was just making a come-back after an absence from attending, and was about to give a Bible Reading on the TMS, some of the Elders thought that he should not be allowed to give his Reading, but the TMS Overseer reasoned with them and he was allowed to, and wore it for a number of years.
He was eventually D.F'd for a minor matter, and after he got re-instated I noticed he had removed it, for obvious reasons I guess, to speed things up. He had a "smart" (shortish) haircut too.
But now ? How long before some do ? and how could any Elder do anything about it ?
"You won't be considered for "privileges" will not carry any weight, and maybe it will be a way for Bros. to AVOID "privileges" in the future ,as wearing a beard no longer works !
stan livedeath
and visible tattoos ?
" and visible tattoos ? " that may be a thing too before long ? maybe a tasteful one done by some of the "sisters" will be first, I wonder if some have a hidden one or two already ? To test the waters, there are temporary tatts. like this :
I think both will eventually be allowed (earrings and tattoos), it might be a question of how it is handled. Do they just tell elders to ignore it, and only announce the change if people start to gripe? Do they get ahead of it by announcing it? The latter might have the same effect as the change regarding facial hair- next thing you know, half of the brothers are sporting new earrings, and half of the congregation is comparing their new tattoos.
Maybe the new fad will be brothers getting tattoos of small earrings on their earlobes!
Anony Mous
I know earrings have long been allowed in certain places, due to culture. I’m talking 20-30 years ago, fishers wear them in one ear with their initials and ship name. This was a major issue initially, but was accepted. It was a loophole for some though.
I know many that have discreet tattoos (places people won’t see). I think tattoos are also allowed in some cultures and I know initially (80s and 90s) people were pressured in getting them removed, but later I’ve seen elders with at least arm tattoos from when they were ‘worldly’.
They’ve gotten a lot more popular and even 10 years ago before I left, some people had nice ones, I don’t think I have seen the strict no policy published for a really long time.
I’m all for tats, and I love the inked-up ladies.
My missus has some gorgeous ones.
Visible Tattoos and body piercing are not the done thing among Witnesses but are not exactly forbidden. It would no doubt prevent you progressing with privileges but not thrown out.
Until we see tv newscasters and politicians with them , I don’t think it will change.
I've never understood the tattoo ban (at least in discreet areas)because it's not forbidden in the NT. If they were done prior to baptism it's acceptable, so it seems a bit unfair. Also they're always banging on about dress & grooming standards being acceptable within a person's local culture etc. I would have thought earrings and nose rings definitely fall within some cultural norms, India say?
I mean all the boys where I used to work wore earrings....and moustaches ...plaid shirts....501's....cowboy hats! (So many career choices in Soho🤔 lumberjacks, cowboys, sailors, mechanics! 😉😂😂)
Diogenesister - “…lumberjacks, cowboys, sailors, mechanics…”
“🎶 Whyyyyyyy-em-see-ay…🎶”