Vanderhoven - the ex could also communicate through email, with the added benefit that everything he says can be retained for easy reference if needed during a custody battle. Changing the phone number would simply eliminate the harassing calls and texts.
ttdtt- I'm not disagreeing with you but wasn't sure what your comment was referring to.
Jrjw - Just because the couple renting out the house are pleased that a JW is renting it, does not make your attending meetings mandatory. Situations change, especially when new information is learned.
You are in charge of your life and for ensuring the wellfare of your children. You need to do what you deem is best for the three of you at all times. How anyone else reacts to those actions and decisions is their issue, not yours.
It is not your landlord's business how you choose to lead your life. As long as you pay your rent on time and do not destroy their property or use it for illegal activity, then, they need to butt-out.