The Watchtower of 1955 almost came out against eating, but changed the article...let's see...just before lunch. Originally it read:
“It is of no consequence that food is taken into the body through the mouth instead of the ass. Nor does the claim by some that eating is not the same as shoving it up where the sun don't shine. The fact that it nourishes or sustains the life of the body matters not. In harmony with this is a statement in the book Hemorrhage and Transfusion of Food, by Heber DeSerre, M.D., who quotes a letter from Dr. Paul Dingleberry, noted proctologist, paleontologist, protectionist and psychologist and early researcher in the field of anal analogies. It says: ‘Eating is nothing else than nourishing by a longer, more complicated road than ordinary – that is to say, placing in the ass in place of taking food by mouth only results in nouishment after several changes, which I don't want to discuss at this time, or ever.’”
Actually, the WTS view of Armageddon, in fact, all of its eschatology, is childish and painfully...PAINFULLY...absurd, as with other adventists. The Seventh Day branch believes the U.N. is going to force a Sunday law on the world at the behest of Rome, which will use the military and civil might of the U.S. to enforce it worldwide. The faithful will resist and Rome will put them to death. You can find it on YouTube. WTS biblical exegesis is forced in the NWT, but it's mostly harmless.
This blood thing is dangerous, though. The best way to change it is to first make it a matter of conscience for each member to decide and then to quietly drop it. If they just stopped it, I imagine there would be lawsuits.
Where the WT really lost the plot, though, was when they banned the use of certain pet foods and garden fertilizers that were made with blood products. That was insanity at its finest.
Oh, you're kidding. Just because we don't eat blood, the dog's not supposed to eat it, either?? What about your pet vampire bats? Can They eat it? And gardens? Those are some tough rules!