To Sea Breeze's contention above, in fact the Catholic Church does not (now) officially or dogmatically refer to Mary as the Mediatrix or even Co-Redemptrix. Of course Mary "mediates" Christ to the world by her virginal conception of him in the Incarnation and co-redeems in the sense of her unique cooperation with him for the redemption of the world. She was, after all, Christ's first and most faithful follower. But Christ remains her savior, in the eyes of the Church. In the document of the Second Vatican Council on the Church in the Modern World is says something to the effect that "no title should be given to Mary which either adds to or subtracts from Christ's unique role as savior of the world."
Also, please note that Mary Magdalen was called (again, not dogma, just a pious reflection) the "Apostle TO the Apostles" (not Apostle OF the Apostles) because she and the other women were the first witnesses to the resurrection and were sent to bring the news to the Apostles (as noted).
Nor did "the Catholic Church" magically term Mary Magdalen a prostitute. Some commentators thought she was the woman caught in adultery, thus...
If you think of the Catholic Church the way the WT thinks of itself, you will continually imbibe in these confusions. Unlike the WT, and despite its (limited) claims to both Apostolic authority and infallibility, the Church leaves a great bit of space for debate, commentary, speculation and even some dissent.
I say all this not to provoke a controversy, but just for the sake of getting us out of the old WT, black or white, mindset.
I appreciate this site and the many contending viewpoints. It is enriching and stimulating.