Is Tony Morris a Nonce / Pedophile

by MebyonKernow 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • MebyonKernow

    This has just been posted on Youtube regarding Tony Morris and the reason why he was removed as a GB member and 'relocated'.

    Is Tony Morris a pedophile / nonce?

    Let me know your thoughts down below.


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  • enoughisenough

    let's just say that woman had the spirit of conviction...

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  • jonahstourguide


    After googling somewhat I've found this by Salena Vertolomo regarding her allegations

    Seems to be a step into historical abuse that the org has covered over as with many others..

    No doubt proof will be required, which may be difficult given elders were instructed to destroy all personal notes.


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  • slimboyfat

    When the woman says Morris is “directly responsible” she appears to be referring to his part in a cover up. It doesn’t sound like she is accusing him of committing the abuse himself. I could be wrong but that’s what it sounds like to me. Hopefully this will be clarified. If he is directly involved in a cover up that’s bad enough but obviously not the same thing and it would be good to be clear exactly what he’s being accused of.

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  • jonahstourguide

    I'm of the same mind slimboyfat.

    Don't recall if am3 was on the gb during the years mentioned.

    However it seems to be a recurring topic;; covering transgressions that bring the org into disrepute at the expense of the victims. Seeing that Salena has gone public to this extent it surely deserves scrutiny by the authorities.

    I'm aware of one instance here in Australia where a coverup was performed to 'keep gods org free from accusation'. Nothing done to help the abused.


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  • Drearyweather

    Tony Morris can be accused of any and all problems that ex-JW;'s have faced during his tenure in the GB, not just CSA.

    By that logic, should Raymond Franz be accused of covering up abuse cases that happened in the 70's? There are dozens of such cases filed across the US.

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  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad
    By that logic, should Raymond Franz be accused of covering up abuse cases that happened in the 70's? There are dozens of such cases filed across the US.

    Another one who has a soft spot in his heart for the Turd! 🤣

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    If you listen carefully to what she said, I think the young woman was saying that AMIII covered up the abuse by her father. I think she did tell the gentleman “exactly what he did”. I wish we as a community could go that too 🤦‍♀️

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  • Drearyweather
    Another one who has a soft spot in his heart for the Turd! 🤣

    And everyone will be suddenly praising the turd when he writes a tell-all expose book of his version of the WT

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  • enoughisenough

    she also warned that it was dangerous for children to be around it seems to be more than just him covering up her dad's abuse.

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