The people are mobilizing Mr Drumpf
by Simon 127 Replies latest social current
Carson will make a great surgeon general. -
He's now doubling-down on his rhetoric and saying that "they have to fight back".....Simon
I have very little doubt..
The level of Violence is going to get Extremely Ugly..
What will happen if Trump actually does become President?..
Clinton and Sanders better get their Act Together..
The impending disaster is getting very real..
Or, you never know,Obama could be a Supreme Court justice. -
The Great Tribulation will occur if Trump becomes President. And Al Sharpton will leave the country. -
Noam Chomsky has some insight to what has happened to the Republican party recently.
Those comments from Chomsky appear to be from before Trump's proposed ban-the-Muslims policy, refusing to disavow the KKK, inciting people to violence, threatening the press, and so on. I think Chomsky would have difficulty repeating the view that there's nothing much between the candidates. Now Trump is clearly a fascist and much more dangerous than any of the other candidates.
Elsewhere I read the observation that at the moment Americans face a choice that includes electing the first woman president of the United States, the first socialist president of the United States, or the last president of the United States.
isarose, you are saying the republicans pick on Obama because of his color. They pick up on him because they disagree with him.nyou are fanning racial flames and I'm calling you out on it.
Obama's policies were no different than many other moderate democrats, yet there was a special level of hatred towards Obama that seems out of proportion to his politics. I don't think all republicans are racist, but it is my opinion that there is that element in the party. I honestly feel that they were opposed to anything Obama said or did no matter what it was.
Coded Logic
Am I the only one who thinks Chomsky is the emperor with no clothes on? I just don't get it. Everyone talks about how smart this guy is and what a visionary he is. But, to be perfectly honest, I've never heard him say anything particularly insightful nor do I feel he says anything very well.
Maybe it's just me. If anyone thinks I'm outa my mind post a link for me to a video or some of his writing that you feel really hits the mark. Not trying to disrespect the guy, I'm just genuinely baffled as to why Chomsky's opinion carries so much weight with liberals.
What I think Trump has been successful in doing is flaring up the public hatred and disgust of the Muslim religion/people in general terms, retrospectively upon the 9/11 attracts, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the extreme terrorists attacks in the US and abroad. This has been going on for very long burdensome time now and they want an effective solution once and for all.
People are strung out and fed up with these situations and Trump is kind of appearing as a viable possible solution.
You cant say the US involvement in the Middle East didn't instigated these situations upon itself and perhaps what is happening now with ISIL but that is past tense, people want something now they can assume with confiding assurance of security for themselves into the future.
You could say Trump is pandering to the fears and insecurities that many Americans feel and in doing so is promoting indirect racist ideologies from out of the that endeavor.
Maybe Trump's campaign slogan should have been " Lets Make America White Again "