I carried out my monthly "cover" visit to the K.H. tonight.
As previously discussed on this forum, the CLAM meeting is just a rehashed, recycled, reshuffled, & rebranded Ministry School and Service Meeting.
The apathy in the congregation (barely 50% in attendance) was palpable! I discreetly looked at different ones during the proceedings, and their stony facial expressions spoke volumes. This religion is not the one they signed up for, and several looked as if they'd lost the will to live. The young married couple in front of me kept themselves occupied by whispering sweet nothings to each other throughout the meeting. The same 7 or 8 people kept answering the questions from the platform. This meeting compounds the Corporation's major blunder of cancelling the home Book Study Group.
I know - this post is in the Jokes & Humour section, but this meeting is one bad joke!!!
I'll sleep well tonight.