Better: Sacrifice serving joke-hova. Just think of how much you waste in field circus in the course of a week. Or going to boasting sessions. You waste gas (and vehicle wear and tear) going around in serving joke-hova. What do you waste on suit or dress dry cleanings? How much do you donate to the Worldwide Damnation Fund? How much is it going to cost to attend the Grand Boasting Session in its entirety this summer?
Now, I recommend taking the amount of money you would have wasted in a week, and going to the coin shop and seeing how much silver you can get with this money. Will it amount to a whole roll of quarters? Or, could you get several silver Eagles, Kookaburras, or Maple Leafs? You might choose to mix things up, especially if you are putting Grand Boasting Session money into the mix or you are a regular pious-sneer. You can also order online if you so choose. You keep the silver.
When you get your hands on this silver, ponder if it's worth wasting this much silver each week for a god that wants you to die off? These policies are blatantly genocidal. If everyone did this, the birth rate would be zero, and after this generation, the whole human race would die off. Totally. Is this the type of god you are wasting that small handful of silver on serving?