The JWS /IBSA have been going door to door now for over 100 years in many lands and countries, with numerous pieces of supporting literature counting in the millions.
You would think after all of the publicizing that the JWS faith would have grown leaps and bounds but to date the JWS has only 8 million following adherents.
Other Christian based faiths have grown vastly more but never publicly proselytized their faith to the extent the JWS have..
My basic concise guess is that they see this organization as a bit of commercialized fraud, orchestrated by a religious publishing house namely the Watchtower Corporation, trying to get people to purchase and read the WTS's literature.
and yes the WTS did place a set price on its literature including yearly subscriptions.
Was it just too obvious ?
Did the WTS not think that many people who they called on were from even bigger and older established Christian faiths but didn't say or preach what the WTS was preaching in their apparent version of the Gospel ?
I know of few people who took the Watchtower or Awake to their pastor or minister and with the usual resulting answer was this is a tainted corrupt version of the Gospel designed for literature proliferation.
Well the JWS are still around and many like myself still have family deeply involved with the JWS to my chagrin.