New Anti Gay Cartoon Video not available in German

by Daniel1555 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Daniel1555

    The Lesson 22 Video or better called Anti Gay video went viral.

    There is another thread that main dutch media covered it in their articles.

    I wanted to write to one of the biggest Swiss newspapers about it. That newspaper also covered the controversy about the "meeting" cartoon, where the message is made that if JW children don't listen at the meetings they might get killed finally.


    It is available in so many other languages, like Guarani (never heard of that language), but German is missing.

    Are they afraid to offer it in German? Do they expect too much controversy in Germany?


    Send it. Those krauts can translate it.

    DD 🍺

  • Daniel1555
    Of course I will, DD ;-)
  • wannaexit
    Why would they produce it in German???

    Beware of the urge for bratwurst..... You can't deny the bratwurst...


  • Daniel1555

    Wannaexit: In the Video you can choose the language. Many exotic languages are possible, German isn't. And it is not available in the german jw website.

    I wonder if they don't offer german because of legal reasons.

    They probably see already the mistake they made, translating it into dutch.

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen
    They probably see already the mistake they made, translating it into dutch.

    Well, isn't translating anything in Dutch a mistake by definition? :-p ;-)

    Apparently when Russell visited the Netherlands he basically said 'these people are stubborn. The truth will never be accepted here. Let's get the hell out.'

    (I'm still looking for a source for that quote btw, possibly a yearbook. Let me know if you know the source...)

  • Gorbatchov

    Thanks Anders Andersen for your classification of the Dutch.

    I think they are not that bad at all. They are and have always been "preacher and merchant", a good balance.

    The Dutch JW are known for not following rules to strict. Many have contact with excommunicated JW's.

    That's not a real problem overhere. Paying taxes is also not their main concern. Using illegal software and Popcorn Time, most JW do.

    I think that's different with US JW's.


  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    Gorbatchov, alles goed? ;-)

    Indeed Dutch JW tend(ed) to be somewhat independent from headquarters. Apparently in some cases directions from HQ were put aside saying 'that won't work here'. Some examples I know of:

    • In earlier years, most convention delegates would be housed in private homes with worldy people. Not in NL, contrary HQ instructions.
    • No more food and drinks at big meetings: in NL we continued to serve just coffee and tea for some years, longer than any other country. Reason: not providing coffee and tea is inhospitable and won't work here. If I remember correctly they still have coffee and tea at circuit meetings.
    • Donating by debit/credit card was introduced at large meetings. Then after 1 or 2 years suddenly no more. Apparently they failed to ask HQ for permission? And then a letter was received that it pleased the holy spirit and the seven goats to get their money wired in after all.
    • Those living in kingdom hall appartments had to pay rent. Afaik unheard of in other countries, and contrary instructions?

    And the regular dubs are similar, not following every rule very strictly.

  • Gorbatchov

    @Anders Andersen, alles goed hier.

    That's what it is. The debit card payment at conventions is original a Dutch idea (one of the CO's). They introduced it without permission from Brooklyn and removed the terminals. 1 or 2 year later introduced it worldwide.

    Sometimes I like the own look and feel here. But not to much, we are fading now since 2007.

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