Pondering my mortality

by wednesday 19 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Ghost of Esmeralda
    Ghost of Esmeralda


    I'm so sorry to hear about your health problems :(

    Please don't apologize for anything...shock is where any of us would be in your place right now. Your feelings are perfectly normal...

    I had a big health event about 2 weeks after I was df'd, I was exposed to a chemical at work and it caused a very serious problem with my asthma.

    As I was passing out and my coworkers were wondering what was taking the ambulance so long to get there, I suddenly thought that I might be dying, very quickly, at the age of 26. I remember that I thought of a couple things.

    I thought 1) that I was sorry most of all that i wouldn't get to raise my daughter and that I hoped her grandparents would look out for her 2) that i wasn't sorry i'd gone away for the weekend with my boyfriend a month before (the episode which led to my df'ing) and 3) i didn't regret anything. If I had stopped breathing then, my last memory would have been a good one, of the safety and love I had experienced in the arms of the man I loved. Amazing, that I had no guilt or worries about JW issues or anything else...the things that mattered to me in my life were suddenly crystal clear.

    When I came to in the ER, I vowed that I was never, ever going to waste another day, and that I would always be sure the people in my life knew I loved them, even if they wouldn't see me (I have since made sure I had the chance to tell them all that, one way or another, to their faces). That event led to me and my boyfriend (soon fiance) moving our wedding up a year, not wanting to waste a single day.

    That event changed the way that I have lived every single day since. And, when I nearly lost my Dad suddenly, with no warning a couple years ago, then we nearly lost my husband's mother suddenly, without warning days later (they were in ICU at the same time in different states)...well lets just say that I was reminded all over again that in a moment, life can change dramatically, or be gone, for any of us.

    My point is this...if you can, try to learn from those thoughts that raced through your mind in those moments of fear. Get treated, do all you can to get as healthy as possible...I know people who have had congestive heart problems and lived for years and years with proper treatment...and then waste as little time as possible on looking back, or feeling down, or thinking about what you've lost to the Borg.

    It sounds like you've been through a lot lately already...surgery and all. Please think of all you've gotten through already,(it shows how strong you really are!)and try, if at all possible, to go into treating this new challenge with a positive attitude. Attitude makes a HUGE difference in the effectiveness of treatment...and please keep us posted on how you're doing.

    I will keep you in my thoughts...and hope for a good outcome from all your testing...


    big hugs,


    ps hope this makes sense, it's way past my bedtime...

  • nilfun

    I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this...I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.

    Take care

  • Gopher


    My thoughts are with you too! Every so often we get a shock to bring us back to our senses about how precious life is. It's really a good thing to think about! Tomorrow is promised to noone.

    I know you'll be able to get through this and bounce back.

  • blondie


    I'm so sad to hear about your bad news. My husband is in the hospital now being stabilized for a heart condition. No surgery or pacemaker will correct it. Hopefully, it will correct itself. As I said on my post, Life is fragile.

    Here's hoping for stabilization and quality of life for you, Wednesday.


  • wednesday

    thank u all for the helpful words. I guess i thought i was going to live forever-wonder where i got that idea?

    I'm slowly beginning to look up info and decide what to do. Pending outcome of the tests, we'lll know how bad it is. For sure there are dietary and activity limitations and meds to take. And hopefuly they not find a clot.

    I talked with my cousin, and she has this too, and my aunt died form heart failure. So i have heredity.

    I have been thinking a lot about what i have been doing with my life, and told my husband last night i regret wasting the last 20 yrs in the org. B/c i have known that long it was wrong.

    a scripture kept coming to my mind, the one where man was storing up treasures but little did he know that tomorrow or today(can' t recall it) was his time to go.

    I almost felt, when i first was told my diagnosis, that jehovah was punishing me. My bro. who is the jw, and an ass****is in good health. But he has no conscience at all. he did nothing when mom died, left it all to me. and i was ill at the time. It all seems so unfair.

    So right now i'm in the "why me?" stage. i have got to progress through to acceptance. i know i will.

    blondie so sorry to hear about your husband. Wishing u both the best.


  • Mystery

    Wishing you the best Wednesday.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    BTW - You are NOT being punished. How can you be punished when you haven't done anything wrong?

  • wednesday

    well i have some answers, but not all. I have diastolic dysfunction. This means my heart is not relaxing .The doc has got me on water pills" to get rid of the fluid, and if that does not contol the blood pressure, then she will put me on an ace inhibitor. however, she did not address my chest pain , which has gotten worse. so i am to call a cardilolgist tomorrow, and i should have a stress test to see if any artaries are blocked.

    The doc i have now is not so good. My other docs were not impressed that she let me walk out of her office thinking i had a clood clot, (which i do not, small piece of good news). My EKG is ok, but still i have chest pain, wellling and fatigue.

    So if no artaries are not blocked, then i just have to deal with this and keep blood pressure under control. If artaries are blocked it will be different stroy.


  • Shakita


    Take care of yourself and I am sure that the cardiologist will help you find the cause of the pain and fatigue. You will be in my thoughts tomorrow, rest and take it easy....and let us know how everything goes with the doc. If you don't like him/her, can you get another? Trust in your doctor is so important! You get some rest now!

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Brummie
    My other docs were not impressed that she let me walk out of her office thinking i had a clood clot

    What a disgrace, shame on her!

    Hopefully if there are no blockages in the artaries they will find some form of medication that can bring you back to good health, pain is always depressing, I hope they diagnose the problem soon and get you some good med, also hope you get a lot of support

    Thinking of ya wednesday


  • wednesday

    thanks Mrs S. and Brummie. I would feel so much better if i knew about the artaries, but that is MANAGED CARE for u.. Docs are afraid or just do not order tests they should. If the stress test shows anything they will have to test further.


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