I think you live in Canada. This convoy is starting in the USA and soon to be in Europe. Just like to know how this is effecting your daily life and like to share with us if it is. Thanks
Simon, are you affected by this Canadian trucker convoy?
by greenhornet 24 Replies latest jw friends
We've had a few convoys come through the town we live, blasting their horns. Good luck to 'em!
We're more affected by the idiot PM that's now in hiding and the mess he's made of the country.
Go truckers!!!
I saw (Ottawa?) that the police chief is going to arrest anyone giving food or gas to the truckers? Is this so? how can he make a law just like that? how could it be illegal to give food to someone in need?
I see the new site for donations to them is over 5 million now after gofundme tried to rip them off.
Yeah, they want to make it a crime to give someone food or to honk your horn. Ridiculous.
The same PM that goes to pose and virtue signal at BLM events sure can turn super authoritarian in a hurry. This is a guy that when asked what his favourite country was didn't think to say his own, he said China ... "because they have a really great dictatorship". What a fool.
They should choke Ottawa until they run him out of town.
It looks like the government is disappointed that there has been no violence or crime.
The truckers and supporters have been cleaning the streets, feeding the homeless and generally having a party with bouncy castles and BBQs.
I saw a tweet the other day that they have declared "Shania Law" ... as they were all having a big line-dance in the street.
The government doesn't like unity and will do their best to instigate an excuse for their thuggery. There has already been an arson attempt which they are trying to claim was done by trucker supporters but really, one person with purple hair and another wearing a mask? We're supposed to believe they are anti-mask protesters? Really?
Oh, and another Antifa terrorist tried to run some protestors down, which has obviously been ignored by the state controlled, Trudeau funded, scum CBC media. Imagine if a Trump supporter tried to run some BLM down ... how much coverage would that get?
Unfortunately I see some sort of false flag scenario coming, I know that sounds paranoid. I have seen Canadian Vets shoveling a monument, elderly ladies staying up all night baking muffins, Polish immigrants bringing food and all kinds of nice things people are doing! If some sort of criminal activities do happen I think they will be from the other side and made to look like it is the trucker faction doing it.
Shania Law, ha, I Iike that!
I am in the U. S. and there are many, many videos of just plain nice people and all very law abiding in my opinion, coming across fb it is incredible. I also see that many other countries are planning their own trucker convoys.
Without the government formulating devision, it's amazing how united people can be.
People forget that Trudeau is an unpopular, minority leader who only just clung on to the last election.
He's on his way out, he's so past his sell-by date he reeks. But his record of shady corruption shows he'll do anything, so a false-flag to create some outrage and an excuse for heady handed policing is something that wouldn't surprise me.
The left will do anything to stop workers of the world uniting.
Oh, the irony ...
There were convoys in the Carter days, breaking the 50 miles an hour speed limit, diesel savers.
I am all for brawn getting its voice, way. too bad there has to be noice destroying peaceful nights, days, and waiting more weeks for needed deliveries.
where is the heat/cool pump I ordered a month ago?
The mainstrean media everywhere: reporting the complete, exact opposite of what is actually occurring.
When is the next election?