I agree hoser, but this not paying overtime to salaried employees is a widespread North American corporate model at the moment. So far I've been allowed to bank the hours and take them off in lieu of getting paid. But they raise their eyebrows when I tell them how much time that is. I'd really like to have the choice of getting paid or taking the time. But it's all about managing expenses now. Luckily, I don't have a smartphone for work... yet. They eliminated the pagers as these were costing money (Yay!).
When they call me at home, I don't answer (this is one reason I continue to have a land line). Of course, I am rarely home during my off time anyways so that's kind of a no-brainer. I was up front with my last manager and former team lead. I told them straight... if you want me off hours, you pay me to carry a pager, otherwise, I'm unavailable and you will not get me.