Name a few errors in the bible

by JH 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stichione

    Here's a mistake: In talking about a specific event before the transfiguration, Mark 9:2 says: "Accordingly six days later Jesus took Peter and James and John along...". Luke 9:28 says: "...about 8 days after these words he took Peter and John and James..." So the same events are given two different datings.

  • Faraon

    Here you can browse a "few" errors in the bible: (

  • hooberus

    I looked at one of the "errors" on the above site from the book of Titus. This had to do with a bishop being the husband of one wife. The site then linked to other passages which talked about people in the Bible having more than one wife this is then said to be a "contradiction. " However those passages do not say that those people taking more than one wife were following God's instructions, they simply describe the events of their lives.

  • Faraon


    I looked at one of the "errors" on the above site from the book of Titus. This had to do with a bishop being the husband of one wife. The site then linked to other passages which talked about people in the Bible having more than one wife this is then said to be a "contradiction. " However those passages do not say that those people taking more than one wife were following God's instructions, they simply describe the events of their lives.

    You are probably refering to Titus 1:6 If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly.
    This will link you to a table asking if polygamy is OK.
    Titus is saying in this verse that the bishop to be is to have only one wife. Notice that this applies to bishop candidates. By extension it is deduced that some people had more than one wife.
    According to the Jewish god's law, women were not partners. They were property. If a man had commited adultery, it had to be because he had sex with another man's property (aka someone else's wife). A man was not guilty of adultery if he had sex with an unmarried woman. Remember that the punishment for adultery was death. This is why it is crazy to say that the only way to divorce a woman is if she was guilty of adultery. Her punishment would've been death. No need to divorce her! The bible is full of examples of polygamy and incest. Look at Abraham. He had at least 8 children of different wives (one of them his sister). No action was taken against him. Don't tell me that it was because at the time God wanted to increase the number of his followers blah, blah, blah. There were millions of people at the time. He could have impregnated his wife before he ate with the angels and the Abraham family. There might have not being orders for polygamy, but there weren't any against it too.
  • hooberus
  • crinklestein
  • AlanF
  • Faraon
  • cellomould
  • hooberus

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